Top benefits of Yoga for children and why yoga must be regularly practiced in schools.
Top benefits of Yoga in school
Yoga can be the perfect addition to school curriculum as it can help children keep their minds calm and grow holistically. A regular practice of Yoga will also give the child much needed physical fitness.Here are a few immediate benefits of adding the practice of Yoga in school:
Children in the academic environment have a lot to learn and absorb. Their minds must be constantly alert for hours on end to understand the many subjects of information taught to them. At times, the young and restless mind can find this to be challenging.
Through the practice of certain asanas, pranayama and meditation techniques, one can enhance the power and functioning of the mind, helping children gain the art and power of focus. The ability to focus their mind on something and focus all their energy towards that goal is something Yoga helps them build.
Children in the academic environment have a lot to learn and absorb. Adding meditation to yoga can help kids calm their minds, it also helps to improve their memory.
Practicing among friends and peers in the environment of the school will help children build a harmonious nature, one that gets along with everybody.
Yoga helps the body, mind and spirit stay aligned, it helps build personality, makes you a calm and composed person which will ultimately help kids flourish in life.
Yoga helps children manage stress and depression. Children are burdened with lot of activities and the burden of expectations can take a toll on their mental health. Yoga can help tackle stress and depression, and help build a healthy attitude.
One should not ignore the positive effects of yoga on children, and because School is a child’s second home, it is the perfect venue for yoga in order to build health, peace and happiness in children.
The ideal introductory Yoga practice involves starting off with subtle exercises or Sukshma Vyayam, the practice of Surya namaskar is also highly recommended for physical and mental health.

Yoga Mom’ involves her sons in her poses
Children of this Vancouver-based German yoga teacher Josie (Josephine) Jacob do not just make asanas (and stay healthy) – they make adorable pictures as well. The photos of their practice together with their mother have made them stars of Instagram.
The yoga mom says the boys, Kaniel, 10, and Gabriel, four, “love” practicing with her. The mom says her sons have grown up doing yoga with her. She has been regularly uploading those family pics (doing yoga) on Instagram at @yoga_mami.
“I try to keep it light and fun. No pressure ever,” Jacob, who’s originally from Germany, told the Daily Mail.
Josie is an expert yogi, as you can see from the various complex asanas – Planck, Bridge and many others. Her sons on her back make those pictures adorable.
“My children constantly saw that I was doing yoga, so it was very natural for them to join me on the rug or copy me,” she says.
Blessing her son, with her legs (doesn’t matter she’s the mother).
In the beginning of the twentieth century, King Meiji passed a rule in Japan that eveyone should follow Shintoism exercise practice and it must be obeyed strictly in all schools and institutions. Get up very early morning and do complete exercise to rejuvenate mind and body. It became a Law and every one had to accept and honor it (Japan’s national sport Sumo is directly derived from the Shito rituals). Soon Japan had healthy citizens and the country went on to become a strong and prosperous country.
In India, such a thing is not possible because we are secular. The day when we have all the politicians under One Party that day The Government may Change The Law for the real need and future of Indian Citizen. I think, that day is not far away, we have to be patient till then.