Diet for Flat Abs: There are certain foods that help to burn fat. Read on so that you can make the necessary changes to your diet.

Did you know that by consuming some food you can actually burn fat? Exercising helps to reduce belly fat but only exercise won’t help. You need to combine it with certain foods that help you burn belly fat.
Food that Helps Burn Fat
Now instead of consuming junk food which will cause you to pile on that fat, you can have nutritious food that helps you lose belly fat. Not that these food actually burn fat but they have enough carbs and proteins to give you the feeling of being full, so that you don’t binge and also have nutritional value to it. So, once again, only diet won’t help you. You will have to combine it with the right kind of exercise. Let us see which are the food items that can help reduce belly fat.
Oatmeal is a perfect breakfast meal. It contains fiber that lowers cholesterol fills your stomach, so that it prevents you from snacking in between. And instead of sweetening the oatmeal, add fruits for flavor.
Nuts such as almonds are rich in proteins, fiber and vitamin E which is also a powerful anti oxidant. They are also a good source of magnesium which is very important to have in your body, so that it can produce energy, build and maintain muscle tissue and regulate blood sugar.
Egg is a source of protein. In fact it has one of the highest protein proportions than any other food. It is also rich in biotin, a vitamin that helps the body transfer and process fat.
Olive oil is fatty in nature but it is good fat which won’t harm you. It is better than the other oils that are full of trans-fat that is not good for our body at all.
Fruit berries are full of fiber which aids in metabolizing fat. They are also great snack option and full of anti oxidants.
Whole grains are full of carbohydrates i.e. good carbohydrates. Whole grains are better than processed foods. Eat whole grain bread which is better than the white bread or whole grain cereal which is rich in fiber.
Only have the natural peanut butter which is rich in protein and essential fatty acids. 1-2 tablespoons everyday is good for digestion. Organic peanut butter is better than the others as they do not contain hydrogenated oils in it.
Beans are excellent for burning fat. They are also good for the heart. Some kinds of beans are rich in proteins and fiber. Beans that are high in proteins and fiber are: Kidney beans, Navy, Lima, Edamame.
However, be careful and stay away from refried beans and baked beans as they are high in sugar and fat.
According to research, people eating low fat dairy products, such as a low fat milk, yogurt etc daily, 3-4 times a day lost 70% fat. Not only are low fat dairy products a good source of calcium, but it also helps burn fat. Plus the probiotic bacteria in most yogurts is what helps your digestive system healthy, which means fewer complains to bloating in the stomach and constipation problems.
Turkey and beef are great for building muscles and boosting the immune system but you have to be careful as basted turkey is usually injected with fatty substances and beef consists of saturated fats. So, make sure you eat lean cuts of meat.
Salmon and tuna are also good sources of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Don’t worry, these are good fats which are required for your body. Salmon and tuna are also good for your immune system, to boost your metabolism and can be consumed 3 times a week. Even some red meat which is generally considered bad for health is actually ok provided it’s a grass fed animal.
Green Tea
You can now stop drinking all those unhealthy frizzy drinks and opt for a much healthy option like Green tea. It is a proven fact that green tea helps you burn fat. Green tea prevents the fat from growing and getting absorbed into the belly. But it doesn’t mean that you should go overboard and have lots of it. Everything in the right proportion will give you the results you so desire.
Exercise and a good diet usually go hand in hand to help you get a lean and toned body. Neither of them can by themselves be completely effective. With good exercise, you need good nutritional diet to help you burn belly fat. There are certain food items such as almonds, whole grains, beans, green tea etc which are not only healthy but also help in reducing your fat in the body. So, it’s time for you to make changes in your diet and switch to foods that help to burn fat, for a healthy body.
Fat-burning foods to boost weight loss
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