Weightlifting Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Quickly: Use the right weightlifting workout routine for maximum effectiveness.
This is what everybody wants to do in a gym – Weight training workouts!
Most of you would already know that weightlifting exercises are the best for building muscle mass. They give shape and bulk to the muscles of our various body parts!
But what you may not be aware of is that weight training programs also help to lose the overall body fat.
Sample Weightlifting Exercises for Muscle Mass
Here are some of the best weight training exercises to help you build muscle mass and lose body fat.
These exercises will help you get a full body workout in no time!
Please be aware that most of the exercises below require gym equipment or a complete home gym.
Weightlifting exercise for Chest
For a great chest workout, you want to work the upper, middle, and lower pectoral muscles. I really suggest flyes as the best way to work your chest muscles.

Weightlifting exercises Back
We need to balance our chest by working out our lats. Lats are usually ignored by many novice strength trainers, which leads to injury. Make sure to balance out your body by paying special attention to your lats.
You could also perform pull-ups as part of your back routine. Remember on your back exercise to concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together.
Weight training program for Legs
When it comes to weightlifting exercises, I find that legs are usually never under-trained. Rather most people over-train their legs. It’s not too hard, we use them every day. You do not need to do a dozen exercises to get a great workout.
Weight training for Arms
Like your legs, your arms are very easy to over-train during weightlifting exercises. The biceps, tricep, and shoulders are supporting muscle for a lot of other exercises. It’s not a bad idea to combine back and biceps of chest and triceps to reduce over training. If not, make sure to give enough rest days so your muscles can recoup.
We want to make sure we work all three heads of the tricep.
Exercises for Abdominals
Abdominals do not really require weighted exercises to build them. They are developed more on volume and reps than on weight. The following exercises are organized from easiest to hardest.
Lower Abdominals
Upper Abdominals
Weight-lifting exercises are the best way to quickly build muscle mass. The sample exercises mentioned here should help you reach your muscle building & weight loss goals fast. Most of these exercises require gym equipment or a complete home gym but you can even do most of these body-weight exercises with dumbbells. So now you have a complete list of weight training exercises that you can perform on your next trip to the gym.
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