Energy drinks are non-alcoholic beverages that act as physical and mental stimulant due to its high caffeine content. These drinks are quite popular among people, especially youngsters.
Why Take Energy Drinks
- To get instant energy, do more physical activity than normal, stay focused
- Provides a fast burst of energy required to do intense physical activity.
- Useful vitamins and minerals also help you stay healthy
Side Effects of Energy Drinks
- Can cause Insomnia because of the large amounts of Caffeine. It can disturb your sleeping cycle so avoid having it at night, before going to bed.
- Contains high level of sugar, so its bad if you have high sugar levels. It can also be harmful to teeth by causing plague to build up. The sugar content can also lead to weight gain (if you drink too much).
- When mixed with alcohol, it can be harmful. Its safer to consume as instructed
- Can cause irritation (if you get addicted) and restlessness.
- Pregnant women should avoid energy drinks
Red Bull
Red Bull is an instant energy drink which is quite popular among youngsters (its one of the most popular energy drinks in the world). Many youngsters consume Red Bull to get instant kick and energy.
Red Bull is easily available in India and is popular than most other energy drinks available in India.
Monster Energy Drink
Monster Energy drink is now available in India as well. Monster Energy drink comes in two types – the one without sugar and the other sweetened.
These provide instant energy and also includes all major electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, chloride and sodium) that helps maintain the acid base balance in the body.
Amp Energy Drink Review
Amp Energy Drink (previously sold as Mountain dew) is made by PepsiCo and competes with other leading energy drinks such as Monster and Red Bull.
PepsiCo Amp energy drinks consists of Amp; Amp Energy Boost, Amp Energy Focus, Amp Energy Active.
Nutrition Facts
Amp Energy drinks contain Guarana (seed), Ginseng, Niacin, Taurine, Cynocobalamin, and caffeine.
Daily limit
Avoid consuming more than two cans of the AMP energy drink in a single day.
Heart Attacks Among Teens: Energy Drinks Are to be Blamed
Researchers have linked heart attacks in teens to consumption of energy drinks that are high in caffeine.
Most teenagers feel that they can get away with almost everything, especially when it comes to eating and drinking habits. However, there’s now good reason for you to be careful, especially if you’re a teenager and enjoy having energy drinks that are high in caffeine.
Researchers say that energy drinks can trigger sudden heart attacks in young. Even an erratic and fast heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation (AF), normally uncommon in children without structural heart disease, has been observed in a boy of 13 during a football training session after consuming energy drinks.
Previous research has shown energy drinks high in caffeine change the way the heart beats and could increase the risk of potentially fatal heart rhythm problems. Although caffeine is widely, serious adverse effects have been reported, especially when consumed in larger doses, said the researchers.
Hello, I’m a sophomore in high school in the Kenton County Academies of Innovation and Technology Biomedical sciences academy, Our project is to see the effect of energy drinks on the human body over a set time, the time went from 0-20 minutes. We used Monster energy drinks as that is the most known energy drink, we used test subjects that were around the ages of fifteen and sixteen. For our experiment we used a spirometer and electrocardiogram which is also known as a (EKG), we took the measurements every ten minutes and waited 15 minutes to start to allow the energy drink to take effect. We only tested Monster energy drinks as they are the most popular within the students our age. We had to make a decision between Monster and Red bull, and in the end we tested Monster, we expected to see a elevated lift in the data when there was a energy drink in the human body. There was a elevation in the results of the spirometer while there wasn’t much change in the electrocardiogram. We originally didn’t plan on using an EKG but we figured we should as to make sure there would be some change in the data we would receive from the ten test subjects we used. I was wondering if you had research or advice for my project, id greatly appreciate any input as it is a requirement of my project to contact a professional and credit you in the acknowledgements of my projects poster.
Hi Aaliyah,
Thanks for writing. We are not medical experts so will not be able to comment on the various medical aspects.
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