Diet plan to prevent excess cravings for foods, by dietician Shruti Sawant from Pune. Shruti has been working as a nutritionist/dietician coach for the past 3 years in Pune. She suggests diets for weight loss, muscle building. Here Shruti shares a diet plan for one of our readers.
Question: I am 25 years old and despite having balanced meals and no health issues, I still get frequent cravings for different foods. Please help.
Diet Plan:
While balancing your carbs, proteins, fats and fibre in the right proportion is extremely important, you also need to balance out the five basic taste buds (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter) that all of us have.
Research shows that by adding these five tastes in any preparation brings variety, increases satiety, and makes meals more nutritious, which eventually helps in curbing cravings and controlling appetite.
For instance, if you have more of foods that have a pre-dominance of one taste over other like for example sweet foods, then the body will eventually crave for salt or other tastes and vice versa.
I would recommend you bring variety in your diet by satisfying all your five taste buds.
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