Bored of exercises such as jogging, walking, cycling, or running on a treadmill? Try rock climbing.
Climbing wall treadmill for fitness and rock climbing enthusiasts
Here’s a treadmill with a difference – a climbing wall with a continuously revolving face that allows endless vertical climbs.
Now you can make exercise fun again with this indoor rock climbing treadmill, its the perfect accessory for any rock climbing junkie.
You don’t require straps or safety harnesses, and this treadmill has an adjustable speed settings that makes it fit for people of all fitness and rock climbing skill levels.
The wall has several hand-and foot-holds on individual panels that allows you to climb it.
So does it run on electricity?
No, that’s the surprising part.
The treadwall is motorless and cleverly designed and is powered solely by the climber’s weight. The wall adjusts from -20° to +5° from vertical, simulating overhangs or slab climbing, and the holds can be repositioned to four different locations on each panel for customizable whole-body workouts that build muscle or develop cardio fitness.
An LED display on the frame shows time elapsed, distance climbed, and calories burned and the entire unit only requires the same amount of floor space as a treadmill.
Want to scale to the height of Mt. Everest in your own home? You can do it on this treadmill.
India’s ‘Monkey King’ – Amazing display of rock climbing & acrobatics
Even though he’s called India’s ‘Monkey King’, seeing him climb walls, you could even call him India’s spider-man.
Jyoti Raj is a free solo climber who mixes rock climbing with acrobatics (doesn’t use ropes). He has climbed tough walls, prominent buildings and sites including the Chitradurga Fort in Karnataka. Jyoti Raju focuses on the art of free climbing and is able to scale vertical rock walls without the use of any climbing equipment.
What made Jyoti Raj take up rock climbing?
Its difficult to fathom, but Jyoti Raj decided to take up climbing after surviving a suicide attempt. Abandoned at a temple as a young child, Jyoti Raj was fed up of being constantly abused by the man who took him in.
So one day he climbed up a steep rock with the intention of jumping to his death. But as he reached the top, he realized that a crowd had gathered, unaware of his intentions, and was actually cheering for him as he climbed.
That’s when he decided to use his talent for climbing to make a name for himself.
Watch the amazing story of India’s Monkey man, and his amazing climbing skills
How did he learn climbing?
Jyoti learnt a lot by watching monkeys and imitating their movements. With dedication and hours of practice, he soon became one of the top climbers in the world. He learnt rock climbing, acrobatics without the help of ropes.
How did he earn the title of Monkey King?
Jyoti Raj earned himself the title ‘Monkey Man’ by climbing the tall stone structures and walls at the historically famous Chitradurga Fort in Karnataka.
Jyoti Raj is now a local celebrity now, and draws crowds wherever he performs.
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