Pace calculator: Helps you estimate the speed at which someone or something moves. You an use this to estimate pace for a variety of activities such as running, walking, biking, and more.
Want to know how fast you are able to run, walk or cycle? these pace calculators will let you estimate your pace (in various units of measurement). You can then compare your times with the average running speed. It is used to estimate the time taken (or distance traveled) by maintaining the given pace and time or distance.
Pace vs Speed: Differences It may seem like the same thing but for most calculators these are the opposites of one other. By counting pace you find how much time you need to cover a particular distance, while speed tells you the number of kilometers you are able to cover within one hour.
- Speed (km/h) = distance (km) / time (h)
- Pace (sec/km) = time (sec) / distance (km)
This forms the basis of most pace calculators.
Here are links to Pace calculators:
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