Starting an online business is easier now than ever before. Here are the tools that you will require to manage your Intenet business and carry out the various digital marketing activities.
Before the Internet revolution, the number of hurdles that an individual had to cross, in order to get a business up and running was enough to discourage even the most hardworking and intelligent of people.
Most bricks and mortar business required some documentation, and one had to slog for months (or even longer) before you can see anything that resembles a steady income.
Fortunately, things are a lot different now.
Getting started now requires nothing more than a computer, an Internet connection, and an idea.
Today, people sell all kinds of things and offer all kinds of services on the Internet.
And getting paid for it is easy as well. There are several popular online payment sites such as PayPal that makes it easy to accept money in your bank account (from foreign countries).
Small Busines Ideas: Various small business ideas that you start in the fitness, health, wellness, nutrition, sports, niche.
How to Build a Website: How to Build a Website – CMS, Blogs, Websites & Website builders explained
Choosing Web Hosting: Web Hosting Service: How to choose the right type for your needs.
Content Writing: Creating great content for your website is essential, and it’s the actual content that has the potential to make or break your online business.
How to Get Website Traffic: If you are going to build an online business, one of the most important things to focus on will be the traffic to your website.
More TOOLS OF THE TRADE: For Online Business
Disclaimer: Some of the links below are affiliate links and I get compensated if you make a purchase. I recommend them because these tools/services are helpful and useful, not because I earn a small commission from your sign-up.
I’ll add to this list as I learn more, and weed out the unhelpful services.
There are however, several free alternate options available to these (more cumbersome and slow), so do not buy these products unless you think they’ll help you achieve your goals.
Web Hosting and Domains
Bluehost: 99% of my websites are hosted on Bluehost. Easy to use, 1-click automatic WordPress installation and excellent customer service. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using Bluehost for your first site.
Namecheap: A great/reputable domain name registrar.
WordPress: The #1 Blog Publishing Platform. Free and easily customizable with wonderful support. Most of my blogs use WordPress.
Useful WordPress Plugins
All in One SEO Pack
Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin
Digg Digg
Keyword Research
Market Samurai: The number one tool for keyword research available, hands down. You can view my tutorial videos about Market Samurai here.
Google Keyword Tool – Before I embark on any new online venture, I do keyword research. This handy tool from Google will give you some of those most important metrics about any keyword online: the total monthly searches, the Cost Per Click of that keyword, and how competitive that keyword is in the marketplace. The best part about this tool is that it is totally free!
Email Subscriptions & Marketing
Aweber: The internet’s most powerful email opt-in service and email marketing/broadcasting tool. This is what I use to build my email list and newsletter. For a free step-by-step tutorial, check out The Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Newsletter.
Advertising Stuff
Google Adsense: Make money by placing relevant ads on your website that are generated from advertisers using Google Adwords. This is free to use, but you have to register for an account.
Google Adwords: If you want to begin advertising on Google, you can select keywords and locations and you pay each time someone clicks on your advertisement.
Testing Results
Google Analytics: Google’s free website tracking and analytical tool. A must have for anyone with any type of website.
Google Optimizer: This is another free tool from google where you can test different webpages of the same content, only changing one or two things, so you can see which one works/converts best. It’s basically a website optimizer testing tool.
Site Protection
Sucuri: Great for peace of mind, if websites are your business and livelihood.
Video / Recording Software
Camtasia for PC (Camtasia Studio) – for screen captures
ScreenFlow (for Mac users) – the screen capture software I’m currently using.
Omnidazzle – to draw on your screen (free)
Social Signals
Synnd: Automate social signals to your websites.
Fiverr: Easily purchase Facebook likes, fans, tweets, followers etc. Do not game +1’s, Google can see that easily.
Outsourcing Work
Elance: Hired service for just about anything you can think of.
Odesk: Another outsource website for freelancers, IT companies, programmers and web designers from abroad.
99Designs: Use it for your logo design, It’s in a contest format. You submit the description of what you want, and designers will compete against each other to win money.
Virtual Staff Finder: Best and quickest headhunter service on the web if you’re looking for high quality VAs.
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