Medicine ball exercise – A cost effective way to get in shape.
Find sample exercises that you can perform at home or at the gym.
Looking for something versatile, but at the same time a cost effective method to exercise?
And the answer is – Exercises with medicine ball!
Medicine Ball Exercise – Why Use Them?
You can use medicine ball workouts for the following benefits.
Medicine Ball Workout – Suggestions
Here are some suggestions to help you get the best out of your medicine ball workouts.
As with any workout, start off with a warm up.
Medicine ball workouts require more space, to make sure you can move around freely.
Medicine ball exercises are not for building muscle mass. So keep you weights lower, your reps higher, and try doing the exercises as quickly as possible.
Quicker movements lead to the tendency to hyperextend your joint or even your spine. Hence use lighter weights and keep proper form while exercising.
Best Medicine Ball Exercises for You
Here are some of the best Medicine Ball workouts that you can do at home or at the gym.
Over head Lateral Flexion
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, raise the medicine ball above your head with your arms locked. Bend at the waste to the side and return to standing position. Repeat for the other side.
Russian Twists
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hold the medicine ball at waist level. Swing the ball from side to side across your body. Make sure to twist all the way to each side.
Front Lateral Raises
In standing position, hold the medicine ball between both hand with you arms straight down in front of you. Keeping you arms extended lift the medicine ball to shoulder height and return to starting position.
Do not lift your hands above your shoulder or you could injure yourself.
Diagonal Chop
Standing with the medicine ball up and behind one of your ears. Chop with the medicine ball by coming across you body from you shoulder down to your opposite knee. Then return to the starting position.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your knees bent. Holding the medicine ball over your head, forcefully throw the ball onto the ground.
Medicine Ball Push Up
Start in a push up position with a medicine ball under one hand. Perform a push up. When you gain enough strength, you can try to force you push up higher so you can pass the ball between your hands.
Standing Tricep Extensions
Standing with feet shoulder width apart, hold the medicine ball behind your head. Extend your arms upward and return to starting position.
Medicine balls are versatile and provide you with a cost effective way of exercising. Medicine balls should be used for building strength and developing power; medicine ball workouts can be a great addition to your circuit training or plyometrics workout. These sample exercises with medicine balls are a great way to get in shape at the gym or at home.
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