Everyone is allowed a night of fun, games, and drinks, once in a while, especially during winters in the week starting Christmas till New Year’s eve. However, the headaches, dizziness and drowsiness that follows the next morning is something that nobody wants to experience.
Christmas, New Year, month-ends, week-ends, promotions, catch-ups are great occasions to meet friends, have some fun and have drinks. However, alcohol and hangovers go hand-in-hand, and there’s no pill yet that can instantly reduce the hangover effects.
The best way to deal with a hangover is to make sure you drink as per your limits, and ideally, drink in moderation. It’s also a great idea to have something before you head straight to happy hour. However, its quite easy to forget about this, in excitement of-course and because we’re human, and then we’re left to deal with the hangover.
Every individual has his/her own tactics for getting over hangover, but chances are most of these ‘hangover cures’ won’t work at all. However, there are certain remedies that can lessen the effects. Do give these a try the next time you have drinks with your friends.
Don’t drink on an empty stomach
This is one suggestion that you may have heard before, and it really helps.
When you drink on an empty stomach, alcohol is absorbed a lot quicker by the blood stream, and has a massive effect on hangover symptoms. Eating something before you start drinking slows the absorption rate, and makes you feel a lot better the next day.
Opt for drink with lower alcohol content
If you’re not a regular drinker, or if the hangover effect is usually very strong, consider opting for drinks with lower alcohol content.
Red wine usually gives the most brutal hangover. It’s because darker drinks contain more ‘congeners’ (by-products of alcohol fermentation).
So you may consider sticking to lighter colored drinks, such as white rum, vodka and gin, instead of wine or whiskey.
Slow down your drinking speed
Slowing down the rate of drinking can make you feel a lot better the next day.
Drinking slowly gives more time to the liver to process the alcohol. On the other hand, drinking quickly causes alcohol to move around your body, causing severe hangover the next day.
Know when to stop
It’s also a good idea to be aware of what works for you and what doesn’t. For some 2-pints are enough, for some others its 4-points.
The most obvious way to avoid hangover is to cut down on the amount of alcohol that you consume.

Drink plenty of water
Its a good idea to drink water at regular intervals in order to keep hydrated (alcohol causes your body to dehydrate). So have water regularly between cocktails.
It will help you get over the hangover quickly.
If you still feel drowsy the next morning, drink more water to re-hydrate and flush out the impurities.

Eat something sugary
Some of the studies have shown that fructose (sugar) can help speed alcohol metabolism, and reduce the risk of a hangover.
So consume sugar between your drinks, and not much before you start drinking (as fructose metabolizes quickly).

So how about having plain orange juice between cocktails, or ordering some dessert (with fry fruits)?
No greater hangover cure on this planet than a tall & cold glass of orange juice
— KieranVeillard (@KieranV98) September 14, 2018
Get enough sleep
Don’t try to wake up early the next morning, as lack of sleep can make hangover worse. Stay in the bed longer the day after, and allow your body to heal itself.
So if your alarm goes off at 5.30 every morning, make sure you disable it for a day.
Consume a supplement
You may try one of the several hangover remedies that are available on the market; these can help a lot the next morning after a heavy drinking session.
These supplements include vitamins, antioxidants and herbal extracts that make you feel fresher the next morning after a night out.
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