There’s so much advice about health and nutrition floating around nowadays that at times you wonder, if most of it is really true.
On one day, one article will say eating something is bad, and on some other day, another article will say that you can eat that thing in moderation.
Here’s a perfect example which proves that what you hear from nutritionists may not be entirely true.
This guy ate a Dominos pizza every single day for a year and still managed to lose weight.
Brian Northrup documented his project and posted pictures on Instagram, and a video on YouTube.
So wondering how he still managed to lose weight?
Well, sorry to disappoint you, but he did not take any magic pill. He just worked hard and burnt those extra calories.
I know, the same old boring thing. But that’s the only thing that works.
While eating just about every type of Domino’s pizza multiple times, Brian Northrup also adopted an intense fitness regime — an hour of full body lifting sessions 3-4 times per week and around 20-30 miles of cardio each day.
Because of the intensive workout program, Brian not only lost some weight, but also got into a much better shape than when he started the challenge.
On the final day of his PIZZAPOCALYPSE challenge, Brian ate three medium pizzas, and still weighed 5 pounds lighter on the weighing scales the next day.
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