GFR (glomerular filtration rate) Calculator calculates GFR values based on factors including serum creatinine value, age, race, and gender. GFR is considered to be the best overall index of kidney function.
The healthy functioning of your kidney can be calculated using the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). A value of 100 means that the kidneys are working at 100 percent. Your kidney function is still considered normal if the GFR number is 90 or greater.
Normal GFR varies according to age, sex, and body size, and declines with age. Drop in GFR over time could be an indicator of issues with the Kidneys. If the GFR is 45, it means the kidneys are working at approximately 45 percent of the normal rate.
Here are links to GFR Calculators:
- “Normal GFR,” The UK eCKD Guide, The Renal Association.
- Gaspari, F., Perico, N., Remuzzi, G. 1997. “Measurement of glomerular filtration rate.” Kidney International Supplements 63: S151-4. PMID 9407445.
- Hsu, C., Bansal, N. 2011. “Measured GFR as ‘Gold Standard’ – All that Glitters Is Not Gold?” Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6(8): 1813-14. Doi:10.2215/CJN.06040611.
- Wikipedia “Renal function.”
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