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If you have a beautiful garden, you will also know how difficult it is to keep insects and pests away. They always find their way back no matter what measures you take to eliminate them. Pests especially, can ruin the quality and damage the plants. Garden Pest Control can be helpful in controlling the pests. With proper care, control and management, you can at least control the pests and maintain a beautiful garden.
Garden Pests: The Common Ones
A pest is defined as a living organism which causes damage directly or indirectly to crop plants domesticated animals or humans. Garden pests are organisms that cause damage to your plants in gardens.
How are pests harmful?
Pests damage plants but not all the damage is visible to us. Different pests cause different kind of damage. For e.g.
- Caterpillars and leaf miners feed on leaves and stems of plants and completely defoliate them
- Insects like aphids and whiteflies suck juices out of plants causing withered stems and trunks.
- Some pests transmit plant viruses and other disease causing pathogens to the leaves while feeding on them due to which plants experience growth deterioration and they soon die.
- Mollusks, birds, rodents and even larger mammals etc also qualify as pests since they too cause damage to your garden.
The most common kind of pests that you will find however are the garden pests and they tend to cause extensive damage to plants and are hard to get rid of thanks to their rapid growth and reproduction rates. You should try to arrest the pest problem immediately else they will just multiply rapidly and cause massive damage to your garden and destroy it. The key is -early detection and control, the only way to prevent garden pests.
Common Garden Pest Control Methods
They say prevention is better than cure. In case of garden pests, control is prevention. A gardner should always take precaution and do some garden pest control as a preventive measure. Here are some of the preventive measures that can be adopted:
- Get rid of the weak plants as they tend to attract pests
- Pay attention to the health of the soil. Healthy soil supports the growth of strong plants which in turn makes them less vulnerable to pests.
- Remove all weeds
- Try mixing the plants. Some insects are attracted to certain plants so by mixing them up, it can reduce the chance of pest infestation.
At times when the traditional standard methods of pest control fail, it is time to adopt new measures such as: - Make use of Biological pest control. This entails the manipulation of natural parasites in order to control a certain species of pest.
- Destroy the breeding ground of the pests by burning some areas where you think they breed.
- You could also use poison spray. This spray is fatal to the certain kinds of pests. You get different kinds of sprays for different kinds of pests in the market.
- Use traps such as Fly-paper, pheromones, floating row covers etc.
- Try planting plants like basil, garlic, rosemary and nasturtium which are known to deter a wide variety of garden pests. Place them strategically planted near flowerbeds and fruit trees.
- You can also have Ladybirds, mantises, toads and birds that are natural predators of insect pests. You can place bird houses and bird baths to attract martins, bluebirds, sparrows and other birds whose diet consist mainly of insects.
Biological and Chemical Pest Control Methods
Garden pests can be eliminated by using both chemical and biological control methods. Keep your garden clean, weed it out and you can adopt some of the above mentioned tips to eliminate pests. Some of you who are environmentally conscious may not want to use chemicals and for them, the Biological control methods are a great way of pest control.
Chemical control methods are effective too however they involve the use of pesticides and fungicides. Use of chemicals help in pest control but they do carry a certain level of toxicity and some of them may be harmful for people. Consult a experienced gardner or a pest control expert to know more about which chemicals can be used. Excessive use of chemicals can also kill the plants and cause the acidity in the soil to increase. So, take ample precautions while using them.
Integrated Pest Management
If you are against killing pests, you can opt for IPM or integrated pest management. This method is useful, efficient and environmentally safe. It aims at managing pests rather than kill them. IPM is beneficial for both the organisms and the environment, so it’s a win-win. You could consult an IPM expert to know more about IPM and its methods.
Natural Ant Control: How to Get Rid of Ants
Ant infestation in the house can be a major issue. They destroy and eat up your food and are very hard to get rid of. Unfortunately you cannot use chemicals inside the house, so you will have to resort to natural methods to curb the ant menace. Here are some tips to deal with ants:
- Use talcum powder around the areas infested with ants. Follow the ant trail and sprinkle talcum powder on them to break the trail. Once the ant trail is broken, the ants will stop coming back.
- Use cinnamon and black pepper. Just like in the case of the talcum powder, sprinkle the spices to break the trail.
- Vinegar is good for ant control. It is safe to use in the house as it also works as a disinfectant. It is recommended that you dilute the vinegar before using it for ant control.
- Bay leaves and cloves are also useful but not as effective as vinegar, pepper, or cinnamon.
- Ants are attracted to food which are high in sugar. You can prevent an ant infestation by keeping such items in a closed jar without exposing them in open air.
Fortunately, ants are the least annoying of all the pests that you can find. In fact, ant infestation on the garden is even helpful. Ants get rid of unnecessary growths in gardens such as fungi and other small pests. But make sure they don’t create an ant hill which could be messy and could also destroy your garden.
Garden Slug Control: How to Get Rid of Garden Slugs
Not all pests are totally destructive. Some even help your garden. For instance garden slugs. Although the general thought is that garden slugs are harmful and destroy the garden. It is not entirely true. They are considered natural recycle bins. They eat rotten leaves and help keep your soil rich and fertile which in turn helps your plants grow.
They are also a source of food for hedgehogs, raccoons, snakes, turtles and frogs. So, eliminating them completely will also cause a decline in the population of animals who prey on them. Garden slugs my look disgusting but they contribute to the environment.
Hence, it is advised that you control their population rather than completely killing them off. Some of the control measures are:
- Get rid of fallen leaves or any other things that are food for garden slugs
- Slugs are usually found in cool places in the garden. Hence, remove stones or pieces of wood that could provide protection for slugs.
- Try to attract natural predators of garden slugs to reduce their population.
- You could try stirring your garden soil that will expose the slug eggs and you can destroy them. However, this method could have more adverse impact on the environment
- Slug pellets are also effective but very painful for the garden slugs.
Although, garden slugs could cause some harm, they need not be entirely eliminated. If you are able to maintain a balance by keeping their number in control, you could protect both your plants and the environment.
Aphid Control: How to get Rid of Aphids
There are a lot of similarities between gardening and parenting. You need to take care and protect plants just like you do for your kids. Plants get affected by pests and need to be cared for and treated too just like when children fall sick. That is why gardening is such a challenging job. There are some pests that attack plants and feed on them, destroying them eventually. Aphid is one such pest.
Aphids are small insects that feed of plant sap, causing them to dehydrate and then eventually die. Not only that, they also secrete a substance called honeydew which causes fungus to grow on the plant. This fungus which acts as a parasite, sharing the plants resources and killing it faster.
Use of pesticides is one way to get rid of them however since pesticides could be harmful when used on vegetable plants, you can use other natural methods.
- Neem oil is a good way to get rid of aphids. They are natural and don’t affect the growth of the plants in any way. When the vegetables and fruits are ready for use, just wash them with water to wash away the oil. Neem oil also does not keep away insects like bees which help in growth of the plant.
- Take a glass filled with yellow colored water. The yellow color will attract the aphids into the glass, drowning them instantly. Use soap on the surface of the water to prevent light insects from floating on the surface.
- Use high pressured hose to throw off the aphids from the plants. They won’t come back once there are off the plant. Although this method may seem safe as there are no chemicals used, it may not be as efficient as other treatments as it merely delays the aphids from destroying the plants.
- Use liquid soap such as hand-wash soap and spray the plants with the solution. This causes the protective coating of the aphids to dissolve and they die.
Japanese Beetle Control: How to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles
The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) is a highly destructive plant pest native to Japan as the name suggests. It is also found in other countries especially in United States. The adult Japanese beetle is approximately ½ an inch long, with an iridescent metallic green body and copper colored outer wings.
Adult beetles have caused a serious threat to American agriculture. They feed on the foliage and fruits of several hundred species of plants. They also feed on the leaf leaving holes in them whereas the grubs or larva feed on the roots of various plants and grasses causing damage to turf on lawns, parks and golf courses.
Getting rid of the Japanese Beetles is a challenge but there are biological and cultural methods that can be adopted. The method of IPM (Integrated pest management) has also seemed to be useful. Completely eliminating them will harm the ecosystem, hence controlling their population is a good idea.
A rough estimate of the beetle population should be obtained before controlling measures are undertaken. Some of the measures that can be undertaken are:
- There are chemical control methods to manage Japanese beetles however use of chemicals should be done after careful research and consideration. Necessary safety precautions are essential. However affective the use of chemicals maybe, they are not recommended and encouraged because of the risk to the environment.
- Biological control agents are natural and environment friendly. You can use parasites, nematodes and fungi to control Japanese beetle populations.
- Use cultural methods such as habitat manipulation. You could plant resistant plant species and remove the more susceptible ones.
- Get rid of diseased and malnourished plants as they are susceptible to attack by beetles.
- Prematurely ripened fruit should be picked off plants as the odour tends to attract Japanese beetles.
- Have a well dispersed variety of plants that favors beetle resistant plant species in order to reduce the level of damage.
These methods are only control methods and wont eliminate the Japanese beetle completely. It is advised that you do ample research of the various pest control methods before you use them. Also get involved in community efforts such as cooperative pest management programs which can be helpful in managing the Japanese Beetle menace.
Garden Pest Mole Control: How to Get Rid of Garden Pest Moles
Garden moles are another kind of pests that are tricky to deal with. Moles are found below the soil. They basically feed on earthworms and insects. They do not pose a direct threat to plant life as such but they do disrupt the garden due to their industrious lifestyle. Many environmental supporters believe that moles cannot be labeled as “garden pests” and should be protected from being eliminated with harsh chemical methods. They are a protected species in some countries.
Moles burrow and create complex network of tunnels with their powerful paws. They tend to uproot planted bulbs and mole hills could even breakup a smooth turf. The network of tunnels underneath make it difficult for plants to take root and grow properly. They also contaminate the soil, endanger livestock and damage agricultural machinery and drainage systems.
The most common method adopted to get rid of moles are chemical methods. Their underground chambers are either gassed or flooded. Some use traps to catch them. Smoke, cat litter and blood meal are also used to drive them away. If you want to try a more humane approach, you could trap them and transport them elsewhere.
The damage done by moles are more visual, so many environmentalists have suggested that the affected surface can be tidied up allowing the moles to exist underground. Moles are important for the ecosystem and eliminating could cause their gradual extinction.
Pest Control For Mice
Mice and rats can play havoc if they infest your home or garden. They have been a source of many health epidemics in the past – Black Death in London in the year 1665 is a classic example.
The house mice is just as dangerous as the rats. They can contaminate your food, chew on electrical wiring, they are also a host for many diseases. They reproduce at an alarming rate, hence it is important to control the menace before the situation worsens.
Most of the pest control methods for mice are chemical in nature. Some even set up traps to catch them. There are many pest control firms who carry out such work however, you can take some measures yourself. For instance, laying a mouse trap is easy to do. Research shows that mouse traps with an expanded trigger catch more mice than the traditional design. Place a food item as a bait to increase your chances of trapping the mice.
You could also opt for a glue board. If placed strategically, chances are that the mice will run across the board, get stuck on the glue and die of suffocation. If the number of mice infestation is not alarmingly large, you can take care of it yourself, else it is better to rely on professional pest control companies. For more numbers, chemical methods are used to get rid of them. You can apply vigilant to prevent future infestations.
Organic Insecticide
Those of you who are not in favor of using harsh chemicals for pest control, can opt for organic insecticides. They are available in stores and can also be made at home. If you are buying it, make sure you check for the seal of approval on it.
Benefits of Organic insecticides
- Organic insecticides are safe to the environment and have no side effects on plants and animals unlike chemical insecticides which at times fully stop the growth hormones of plants.
- Organic insecticides give you fresh organic food which is less harmful to your health.
- The vegetables and fruits sprayed with organic pesticide tend to look and taste fresher and healthier.
- Safe to eat and don’t cause harm to kids when they touch it.
- They are budget friendly unlike costly chemicals or pest control companies
- Can be easily made with ingredients that are easily available in your home such as – alcohol, garlic, cloves etc.
Disadvantages of Organic insecticides - May not agree with your pets.
Organic Pesticides
A pesticide refers to a single substance or a combination thereof, which is used to prevent, control or destroy pests. Pesticides can be made of 3 types:
- A mix of organic and chemical ingredients
- Purely chemical
- Purely organic
Today there is greater awareness of environmental issues, because of which people are leaning towards organic pesticides. Some basic organic pesticides include:
- Insecticidal soap which is ideal for plants that are under attack pests especially, soft bodied insects.
- Use general soap detergents mixed with water but make sure that you use it during early mornings or evenings when the sunlight will not burn the plants.
- Nicotine is another widely used form of organic pesticide. But mix it water before you spray it on plants. It is effective to curb leaf hoppers, aphids as well as white flies. It is also safe to use on vegetables and fruits.
- Pyrethrum, also known as insect powder is made using the chrysanthemum plant . It kills most insects on contact.
- Garlic is also another effective ingredient. You can soak around three to four ounces of garlic, finely chopped, in a little bit of mineral oil along with a bit of fish emulsion mixed in water. Mix it all up together to get an effective pesticide.
There are many other easy to make organic recipes. The ones above are also effective but meant for home use and to be made in small quantities. You can source large quantities if you need it by approaching manufacturers who make it in large quantities.
Using organic pesticide is effective on pests as well as being safe for you and the environment.
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