Forum marketing used to be a nice way of promoting your products and ideas, and several internet business owners have been successfully using it to get good traffic in the past.
But it seems the rules of the games have changed.
Of late, there are many who have been spamming it like anything, and as a result the effectiveness of this strategy is going down.
However, if you do it the right way and try to help the boarders by giving valuable advice (before thinking about your products), it can help to some extent.
Forum marketing is a free advertising method, but there’s a right way to do it, and that definitely does not include spamming.
If you overdo it, your posts can get deleted, and your account can also be banned from that particular forum.
So use should some common sense, don’t spam, don’t start posting your business details in the posts right away.
There are five very good reasons why forum marketing can work really well for you.
Helping Others: There’s no great feeling than helping others, and especially if they acknowledge it. Forum marketing lets you do that and it does give you a feeling of satisfaction when you help someone else. Of course you do get benefited as most will click on your signature line and visit your site.
Good Learning for Yourself: Even though you could be knowledgeable an a particular topic, spending time on the forum initially (for a couple of days at least) will give you an idea about the overall quality of the forum. You’ll be surprised to know that there are many knowledgeable people out there (besides you) who provide so much of free information (which can be a valuable tool to increase your forum marketing campaign).
Get Useful Traffic: You get free advertising through your signature line. As you begin to post useful things on the various forums, people will begin to see you as an expert and many will also look at your signature line and click on it, which leads them directly to your website. This free advertising can add up to a lot of sales/profit for you.
Helps in SEO: Search engines will give you a plus point when you create backlinks (by creating hyperlinks to your website). These backlinks can help increase your ranking in the search engines.
Get Ideas for Content: Looking at the more popular threads on the forums, you can get lots of ideas for your content. You can write articles based on those threads, which you can add on your website or use it for promotion (article submissions). Again, this can drive valuable traffic to your site and lead to profits.
So, if done the right way, forum marketing can help your site get good exposure and traffic.
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