Personal Fitness Training Course / Curriculum: Whether or not you’re formally trained as a fitness instructor, if you intend to take up a career in fitness, you should consider getting trained in fitness training.
Fitness trainers help people meet their health / fitness objectives.
The following will outline a curriculum or syllabus for a basic personal/fitness instructor’s training course:
- Anatomy & Physiology: Various parts of the body, joints & bones, important muscles, the various systems in the body. Skeletal System, Muscular System, Muscle Kinesiology, Respiratory System, Cardio Vascular System, Metabolism.
- Types of exercises – aerobic, anaerobic, etc.
- Various exercises and their right forms.
Exercise Prescription, Stretches, Free-hand Training, Dumbbell Training, Barbell Training, Gym Training, Aerobic Training, Aerobic Dance, Step Aerobic, Jump Aerobic, Beat Counting, Music selection, Weight loss program, Weight gain program, Special population program, Specific Training, Right Techniques, Injuries, - Exercises for special population (Diabetes & Hypertension)
- Nutrition – Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals
- Client assessment
- How to keep a watchful eye on clients as a professional fitness trainer.
- How to spot on the gym floor.
- YOGASANAS, Pranayam, Power-Yoga Sequences
- Internship
Running a Business
If you plan to set up your own personal training business (as a freelancer) on a small budget, you will need to do the following:
Put together a business plan. Keep your financial records. Pay taxes. Take insurance.
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