Fasting offers several benefits but it is important to do it the right way. A starvation diet or an extended period of fasting is definitely not the way to go as it can cause more harm to your body.
Calories & Weight Correlation
Calories determine whether we lose or gain weight! And if you want to lose weight, cutting down on calories should be your main objective.
But since weight gain is associated with food, lot of us resort to things like skipping breakfast, eating a smaller lunch, and so on to cut down our calorie intake.
Though doing so may help you in weight loss, it is really not a healthy option!
Fasting and Weight Loss – Not Recommended
Over a period of time, our body adapts itself to the environment.
Long back, when our ancestors hunted for food, sometimes food would be plentiful and at times there would not be any.
As a result, their bodies developed anti-starvation mechanisms to deal with a longer period of starvation. These mechanisms consisted of the following.
- Decrease in metabolism
- Breakdown of muscle mass
- Increased fat storage
Our body still behaves similarly to deal with starvation!
Starvation diets and fasting may help you lose weight fast, but you may be losing something more than just losing fat.
If you eat less amount of food for a prolonged period, your body first decreases your basal metabolic rate. If it still needs calories, it breaks down your muscle first, then fat.
And as soon as you go back to your normal eating habits again, your body is going to store everything as fat as quickly as possible.
So you see, weight loss through fasting is because of the loss of muscle mass, not fat! Besides, it also makes you binge eat and overeat.
So say NO to fasting or starvation diets!
Though a lot of people resort to fasting or a starvation diet for weight loss, it is not really a healthy option. In fact, a lack of proper diet will weaken your body and may lead to other complications. If you really want to lose weight, the right way is to increase your metabolism through aerobic, cardio, and weight-lifting exercises.
When you are on a diet and allowed to eat only 1 roti for lunch (funny meme)
The most challenging part (for many) of adopting a healthy lifestyle is to keep a check on what you eat. There are a lot of things that you have to curb or have to consume in limited quantity (especially your outside eating habits).
So what do you do if your dietician has put you on a diet and asked you to eat only one roti for lunch?
Have a really big one, as shown in this picture.
Well, that Paratha really looks very tempting.
Funny isn’t it. That’s our Desi JUGAD!
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