Exergaming refers to video game play that requires the participants to be physically active or require them to do some form of exercise in order to play the game.
Exergaming isn’t new to the scene, so why don’t you use it to spend more time exercising? Many find walking on the treadmill or cycling in the gym very boring. In fact some stop doing it after the first five min or so, not because they’re tired, but there’s nothing to entertain or motivate them. This gaming product from Goji Play tries to turn your cardio equipment into a gaming machine.
The Goji Play system’s wireless game controllers attaches to a cardio equipment (an elliptical, treadmill, or stationary bike) and the Activity Sensor attaches to your pocket or waistband so that it can measure your progress towards fitness goals and incorporate your movement into the games.
You may choose from the library of free games and apps (on your Apple phone or tablet) such as racing, chasing, gliding, smashing, and punching. As you spend more time on the exercise machine, the Goji Play Activity Sensor will track metrics and give real-time readouts of workout goals.
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