You must change your meal habits if you’re really serious about losing weight.
It is important that you educate yourself about nutritious diet required for your body. Learn and know what kind of food intake is good or bad for health. Avoid junk and fatty food at all costs. Substitute your diet with healthy and nutritious food like fruits, green veggies etc.
Even the way you eat your food matters. Eat slowly, nicely chewing your food. Have small intakes of food at regular intervals. You can surely cut down on fat by eating right and following a good exercise regime regularly.
Here are some important things to remember:
Don’t Skip breakfast
Studies reveal that eating within an hour of waking up keeps your insulin levels steadier and your LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) levels lower.
Try to eat your breakfast around the same time every day, or as soon as you wake up (especially for weekends).
Protein and high-fiber foods (eggs, peanut butter, fresh fruit & vegetables) are better than refined sugars and complex carbs, as they make you feel full for a longer time.
Sugary cereals, waffles, pancakes, pastries, or instant oatmeal should not ideally be only thing that you eat in the morning, as they contain lots of refined sugars, so balance it with other food rich in protein or fiber.
Use Whole Grains
This is common knowledge but many still haven’t made the move, one of the reasons being the easy access to refined grains compared to whole grains; many also prefer the taste of refined grains.
But studies have revealed that those who ate all whole grains (plus five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry) lost more belly fat compared to another group which ate a similar diet, but with all refined grains.
So you see the difference!
Besides, a diet rich in whole grains stimulates the glucose and insulin response in your body, which helps in the melting of visceral fat (that deep layer of fat underneath the subcutaneous fat).
That’s why its important to avoid “white” grains, commonly used by those from Asian and Latin american counties.
So make these changes right now – use brown wheat bread instead of over-processed white bread, and wild brown rice over white rice.
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