Diet and Nutrition Tips: A balanced diet is the key to good health. Know the
basics of diet and nutrition to accelerate your fitness goals.
Working out hard for weight training or for weight Loss?
But what about your Diet and Nutrition? Have you given any thought to it? Have you been following any nutrition plan?
Tips for Weight training and Weight Loss
Diet and Nutrition are the most neglected areas when it comes to one’s fitness. A proper diet can in fact accelerate the results of your workout and weight loss routines.
A well rounded exercise routine along with a sound diet and nutrition plan will work wonders for your body.
An unhealthy diet consisting of junk food, coffee, and high sugar content will not give you the desired results irrespective of how much workout you do.
Importance of Post Workout Meal
Workouts usually take a heavy toll on your energy levels and your muscles. This makes post-workout meal vital, since it helps in replenishing your body’s energy levels. It also helps your muscles to repair.
If you think eating less food is going to solve any of your fitness problems, you better think twice. You will actually do more harm to your body since it will not get the essential nutrients.
Diet and Nutrition Tips
Almost everybody has some opinion when it comes to food, so its important that you become a bit knowledgeable about the topic and not just blindly follow what others are saying.
Men are obsessed with ‘protein’ (especially those who workout), Whey powders and supplements are considered a must for gaining muscles. Its correct that ‘Fats’ should be avoided, but there are many who feel that ‘carbs’ are also bad.
Here’s what you need to remember…
- Carbohydrates are necessary to process protein
- Fibre is even more important
- Nobody actually needs steroids or energy drinks
Here are some more diet and nutrition tips for you.
- Know Your Calorie Needs?
To get a general idea, visit Fit Day. Just enter your weight, height, age, and daily activity level and it gives you a good idea of what you need to maintain your current weight.
Our body needs Protein, Carbohydrates, and yes, Fats. It’s the ratio of these nutrients that helps us burn fat and build muscle. A good energy and fat burning ratio is 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat.
- Stick to a Balanced Diet
Always try to maintain the relevant ratio of carbs, protein and fats. Reducing your carbs intake drastically is bad; your brain can only function using carbohydrates in your diet.
You also need Fat because it helps to absorb certain fat soluble vitamins so you won’t become deficient in vitamins like Vitamin D and E.
Dieting Mistakes to Avoid to Get Slim
Getting your abs back in shape is not just about exercising. You need to be careful about your diet as well. However, it doesn’t mean going on a hunger strike or to starve yourself. It’s about maintaining the right balance and eating the right way; and not about following a diet plan that is impossible to maintain.

Do NOT have to adopt an all or nothing attitude
You don’t have to empty your refrigerator just to avoid getting tempted. While this approach may work for some in the short term, over the long term this will lead to failure and frustration.
Do NOT Deny yourself everything you enjoy
Once in a while you can allow yourself to enjoy the occasional indulgence, just for the sake of sanity. Fill up on servings of fruits and vegetables but allow yourself to enjoy the special dessert or chocolate. The last thing you want to do is deprive yourself of everything you enjoy. There is nothing wrong about enjoying food. You just have to worry about eating the wrong sorts of foods. So Do NOT deprive yourself of everything you enjoy.
Do NOT Eat the same thing every day
Once you have the plan laid out to lose your belly fat, the human nature looks for structure and routine. So when it comes to dieting one starts eating the same thing every day. That’s what needs to change! You need to select a diet/nutrition plan that allows you to enjoy a wide variety of foods rather than limiting you to the same set of foods day in and day out.
DO NOT Give Up without a Fight
If you know what you want, there is a likelihood that you will get it. So always set goals, and ‘Don’t Give Up’! At times, your goals may get side tracked, but do not let this defeat your desire to become a healthier you. Do take the occasional break, but do come back to your goals and if needed set new goals. For those who persevere, the end result however is a healthier body and that is something that is worth fighting for.
Does Crash Diet Really Work?
Lots of people, who take to exercising, usually believe that it is possible to lose weight and still stay healthy by going on a crash diet. It is just like believing that you will be able to remove fat around your waistline by only doing ab-crunches all the time.
The truth, in reality, is actually far from this.
If you are a fitness conscious person man or woman, you would definitely now about this and probably would have heard this several times that “Never believe in crash diets”.
If you have been exercising for quite time now, you’ll know that one has to be really cautious of the pitfalls of crash diets. Eating right is any day recommended and that’s what one should do. You need to balance your intakes with the right amount of nutrition and it’ll be enough for a healthy body.
Just because one has a very busy schedule doesn’t mean one cannot take care of his/her body. In fact taking up crash diet because of lack of time is a pathetic excuse. One has to be committed to their bodies and you should learn how to balance everything.
There is no doubt that a Healthy body is indeed the way to a happy life, so observe your habits and plan accordingly. It’s important to know your body. Look in the mirror closely and observe your limitations, as well as what food and exercises suit your body.
After that you just need a plan and you have to work upon it. There is no need to resort to any Crash Diet!
Best Diet for Flat Abs
The Best Diet for a Flat Tummy: Besides exercising, the right diet is important to get flat abs and lose belly fat fast. Exercise alone is not going to be effective.

All of you know how important exercise is for your body. But exercise alone doesn’t help if your diet is skewed. The right nutritional diet is equally important to get the desired effect of exercise.
The Importance of a Right Diet
We all lead such busy lives today that we try to adjust and compromise on things for the lack of time. So, we may order a burger and French fries for lunch or a pizza for dinner. But what we don’t realize is that in the process, we are making a huge compromise on our health.
Food and obesity are related in a deep way. In the pretext of a fast life, we end up eating all the wrong foods which are just junk and only add up to our calories. As we have often told you, fat tends to accumulate on your belly first and then the other places. So, soon you may find yourself bloating around the stomach area.
The other common complaint among people is that they exercise hard enough to reduce belly fat and yet see no results even after 6-7 months of exercising. The only thing we would like to say to then would be, in that case you need to review your diet.
It will not help if you exercise and eat oily and junk food. Regular exercises should be combined with good nutritious food; else the effect of exercising will be not much.
Diet Tips for Flat Tummy
Here is a “do’s” and “do not’s” list which will help you to maintain a healthy diet. Many times, you may not even know that the food you are eating is actually not so good for you, when all this while you would’ve thought that it was.
- Do not go on a diet! Many people think that to get a flat stomach, you need to diet and skip meals, let us tell you that you are completely wrong! In fact, it is quite the contrary. If you want to get a flat stomach, you should at least eat 5-6 meals throughout the day. Dieting is the worst mistake you could do.
- Every meal you eat should contain proteins, healthy fat and some amount of carbohydrates.
- Drink lots of water. Water will flush out the toxins from your body and will give you a feeling of being full, thus keeping you away from unhealthy binging.
- Keep away from soda and sugary and junk food. Even fruit drinks contain a lot of sugar in them. So, avoid sugary food, junk like burgers, French fries etc. because it only causes more fat buildup.
- Make sure your diet consists of some healthy fats. By healthy fat, we mean, food such as almonds, olive oil, natural peanut butter, walnuts, flax seeds etc.
- Proteins are also very important for your body. Proteins help rebuild your muscles after a workout. So, make sure your diet includes proteins.
- Avoid foods with simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are quick energy sources but they do not usually contain any other nutrients or fiber in them. So, it can be avoided in your diet.
- Include complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates supply energy and other nutrients and fibre to the body. These carbs are good for your body. There are some grains, fruits, vegetables and some cereals that are filled with complex carbohydrates which will keep you energetic for longer hours and also make you full, thus keeping you away from harmful snacks.
- Eat lots of vegetables. Vegetables are rich in fibre and vitamins. They are also low on calories, so you should eat plenty and they help you stay healthy. Having said that, there are many of you who may think that eating salads everyday is the only way to get a flat tummy, well you are wrong again. You don’t have to have salads daily for a flat stomach. There are many other things that are equally healthy that you can try.
- Do not skip breakfast. Many of you skip breakfast thinking that it will help you burn fat faster but you are wrong. Remember the doctors saying? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, make sure you have a healthy breakfast.
- Include blueberries, Omega 3 fish oils and green tea in your diet. Blueberries are excellent in fighting cancer and like green tea, they are good fat burning foods. Omega 3 is excellent for your joints and heart and also helps reduce your blood sugar after each meal which in turn helps you to get a flat stomach.
These are some of the things you can alter in your diet to get a flat stomach.
Eating the right food is key to maintaining a good health. Whether you want to get rid of 20 pounds or 150 pounds, the only way to achieve that goal is by keeping control over what you eat. Learn to enjoy food in moderation, don’t starve nor binge on things that aren’t healthy. Diet and nutrition are often neglected when it comes to one’s fitness. So stick to a proper diet plan & avoid the common dieting mistakes; it will actually accelerate the results of your workout and weight loss routines.
It is very important that you watch your diet along with your exercises. Plan your meals in advance and make sure you include proteins and some carbohydrates. Stay away from junk and unhealthy food. And most importantly, think positive. Only if you think you can, will you be able to stay healthy and achieve your goal. Proper Diet is the way to go if you want to get flat abs and lose belly fat fast.
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