Custard Apple is also known as Seetaphal in India.
It doesn’t have a regular shape but the creamy flesh that surrounds the seeds is indeed a tasty treat. Its skin is thin and tough, most;y black and green inc colour.
Scientifically (or rather botanically), the fruit is actually a “multiple-fruit” as it is developed as a result of the merger of several individual flowers (ovaries) into one large fruit mass.
Custard Apple is rich in proteins, vitamins and fibre, which is good for your brain, heart, blood, teeth, eyes, skin and hair.
Fresh ripe custard apple can be eaten as is (without any seasoning). Gently pull apart the fruit to expose its creamy interior. You may use a spoon to eat the tasty flesh.
You can eat it fresh when it is soft, or make ice creams, smoothies or fruit salads. But because it is very cold in nature, kids should not ideally eat it in excess amounts, as they can catch cold.
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