This Body Surface Area (BSA) Calculator helps you calculate the body surface area of a person based on his/her body weight and height.
Its not very easy to do a direct measurement of BSA, so several formulas have been published to estimate BSA.
These calculators employ well-known formulas to calculate BSA.
BSA is often used in clinical purposes and is preferred over body weight because it is a more accurate indicator of metabolic mass (fat-free mass).
Here are the steps to calculate body surface area:
- Select the measurement system (imperial or metric)
- Input your gender
- Enter weight and height
- Select the equation you would like to use
- Click on the “Calculate” button to observe the results.
Here are links to BSA Calculators:
- Griggs JJ, Mangu PB, Anderson H, et al: Appropriate chemotherapy dosing for obese adult patients with cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline. J Clin Oncol. 2012 May 1;30(13):1553-61
- Devine BJ. Gentamicin therapy. Drug Intell Clin Pharm. 1974; 8:650-5.
- Erstad BL. Dosing of medications in morbidly obese patients in the intensive care unit setting. Intensive Care Med. 2004; 30:18-32.
- Dubois D, Dubois EF. A formula to estimate the approximate surface area if height and weight be known. Arch Intern Med. 1916; 17:863-871. Mosteller RD. Simplified calculation of body surface area. NEJM. 1987; 317:1098.
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