Bipasha Basu: Fitness & Workout Secrets. Though all film-stars have to look fit nowadays, some of them definitely take it seriously and have maintained their fitness really well, in-spite of having a busy schedule & being in the industry for several years. Bipasha Basu is definitely one of them!
Personal Details
Date of birth: January 7, 1979
Star sign: Capricorn (Determination, Dominance, Perserverance, Practical, Willful)
Height: 5 feet 8.5 inches tall
Weight: Around 63 Kgs
Vital Stats: 36-28-36 (which every woman dream’s of).
Has two successful fitness DVD’s and at here age, Bipasha is more fit than a 25 year old, and has one of the most desirable body shapes in the country. Much of that credit goes to her disciplined lifestyle and dedication towards fitness.
Here are more secret tips to her fit and toned body.
Fitness Beginnings
Did you know that Bips was fat and a lazy kid when she was around 23? She was also diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis and her doctor told her that she wouldn’t be able to dance or do any kind of action sequences, forget running or walking. Obviously she felt shattered and cried a lot on hearing that.
That is when Bipasha realized that her body needs to be lighter, because otherwise “her knees would take all here weight all the time”.

That is when Bipasha dragged herself to a gym, for the first time in her life.
And her first experience at the gym was anything but pleasant. She wore the wrong shoes, ran on an incline on the treadmill (really bad for the knees), and did exercises that aggravated the problem.
That is when Bips realized a couple of things:
- Her body would not change overnight and
- She needs to have a sound knowledge of how the body functions.
That is when she started spending time with trainers, started learning more about fitness.
Today, fitness for Bipasha, is more than just getting into a dress or hitting a certain number on the weighing scale. Fitness for her means being active and always smiling.

Bipasha Basu: Fitness Secrets
We have heard that the fit and fabulous Bipasha Basu never gives her workout session a miss, even if she’s shooting at some remote location.
Though she’s happy to use the gym facilities, if there’s one, she chooses to use her own fitness DVDs, if the gym facilities at the location are unsatisfactory.
The actress has so far launched two fitness-based DVDs:
- BB Love Yourself: Fit and Fabulous You (popular do-it-yourself workout DVD) and
- Breakfree
And whenever she’s away and if the gym is not that great, her workout DVDs come in handy not just for her, but also her co-actors and the other crew members who’re also fitness conscious like Ms Basu.
The 34-year-old Bips, who’s more of a veteran in the industry, has flaunted her perfect curves in her recently released movies like “Jism”, “Dhoom 2” and “Players”.
I guess now we all know the secret mantra to Bipasha Basu’s Fitness!
Workout to Suit Films Characters
Bipasha reveals that her exercise and diet regime is planned to suit the characters that she plays in her films.
She recently got herself an athletic trainer equipment called ‘TRX Rip’, which she’s currently using to develop a whipcord body for her next film. TRX Rip is portable and can be used virtually anywhere by just attaching it to any secure anchor point. It utilizes a lever bar and resistance cord that challenges the body in all three planes of motion: reps, sets and workout.
Bipasha Basu: Flaunts Her Bikini Body
Bipasha had already worn a Bikini in Dhoom 2 and when she got an opportunity to wear a two-piece for ‘Players’ five years after, she left no stone un-turned to look her best, despite being a fitness freak.
So, is the The Bengali bombshell comfortable in a two-piece?
‘I’m a beach bum and I love hanging out in the swimming pool, so I’m very comfortable wearing a bikini. My only concern is that the scene should be shot well.’
The ‘Players’ scene was shot in Wellington (New Zealand) in freezing cold water.

For this scene, she went on a strict, high-protein diet for some time and increased the intensity of my cardio workouts. During the her Dhoom days, she was thin, but when shooting for players she was fitter and curvier.
Bipasha Basu’s Fitness DVDs
As mentioned, Bipasha has her own fitness/workout DVDs, which are actually quite successful in the market.
‘BB Love Yourself: Fit and Fabulous You’ DVD includes the following workout:
- Introduction To Love Yourself
- Introduction to Fit and fabulous You
- 25 Mins Beginners Workout
- 25 Mins Advanced Workouts
- 3 Levels of Circuit Training
- BB Strength Moves, BB Cardio Burn and BB Ab Drill * 5 Min Warm Up * 2 Min Cool Down
- Transfer your body from fat to fit in 60 days, by Loving Yourself!
Checkout this video of Bipasha Basu in her “Love Yourself” fitness program:
Bipasha Basu: Diet & Nutrition
And what about here diet?
She does follow a strict diet-routine!
She gets all the required nutrition from food only, no supplements for Bips. She eats healthy food like stir-fried vegetables, spinach, chicken soup, grilled mushrooms or fish and eggs in all forms. She eats everything except red meat and rice.
She mixes a lot of green veggies with meat and instead of six small meals, now she eats eight to boost her metabolism.
For beautiful skin, she recommends fish, barley, nuts, seeds, sprouts, yogurt, fruits and vegetables—especially the leafy, green variety. Fish and nuts are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that help with glowing skin.
When her body craves sugar, she eats an apple. Breakfast for Bipasha is eggs and oats.
And she’s not the one to feel guilty if she eat’s wrong; she just goes to the gym to burn it!

What’s Bipasha’s Fashion Mantra?
As per Bipasha, comfort always comes first. She prefers to wear garments that are comfortable and of course fashionable.
Bips is known to pick garments that reflects her personality and her penchant for fitness!
Here are some fitness related videos of Bipasha Basu
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