Here we take a look at the reasons why people get Belly Fat (love handles). Research proves that excessive belly fat causes various physical and psychological problems among people and if not dealt in time, poses a serious risk to your health. A better understanding of these causes will help you take the right steps towards good health.
Belly Fat – Causes
What are Love Handles?
Love Handles means:
- Deposits of excess fat around a person’s waistline
- It’s the accumulation of abdominal fat resulting in an increase in waist size
Love Handles is also known as Abdominal obesity or belly fat or clinically as central obesity.
Types of Belly Fat
There are two types of fat in the abdominal area:-
- Subcutaneous fat: This type of fat covers up the abs from being visible and lies directly beneath the skin on top of the abdominal muscles.
- Visceral fat: Visceral fat lies deeper in the abdomen beneath the muscles surrounding the organs. Both these fats are dangerous and pose a serious health hazard, however, it has been noted that visceral fat is more dangerous than subcutaneous fat.
Reasons for Belly fat
For some reason, the expression “love handles” never seemed to be an appropriate name for the unsightly bulges appearing on the sides of the abdomen. “Ugly handles” would seem to fit better.
There could be many reasons for a person accumulating unwanted fat:
- A sedentary lifestyle
- Poor choice of eating habits
- Lack of exercise
- Stress etc.
- In some cases, especially among women, it is also hormonal
- Hereditary
The way you manage your sugar levels, deficiency of certain minerals, and even intake of certain products such as Caffeine can have an impact on your body fat.
So, if you have been exercising a lot and still do not see any results, then you would also realize that one needs to have control over other things as well, besides just exercising.
There are many reasons why excessive fat accumulates around the stomach:
Lack of exercise
In our busy lives, we find little time for exercise. Lack of exercise causes the fat to pile up, especially around your belly. So, engaging in some kind of physical activity will help you be fit and healthy. Get rid of that belly fat with regular exercise and you won’t have to worry about the bulge ever again.
Most of you may not want to admit but the primary reason for your belly fat is because of eating too much. Over indulgence in food causes excess fat deposits in your belly. A little bit of control can ensure that you have a healthy eating habit and also get rid of your belly fat.
Fast food and junk
In today’s fast-paced life, we want things done instantly. Fast food has become a part of our lifestyle. However, it is also one of the leading causes of belly fat. So, it might be a good idea for you to cut down on your fast food intake and rely on homemade food henceforth.
Choice of wrong food
Having cravings for sweet or a “sweet tooth” is ok once a while but if you gorge on sweets regularly or consume high carb food, you will accumulate fat around your belly. Even regular intake of high fat food causes belly fat.
A balanced diet helps in having a healthy body. It is crucial to have some amount of sugar and carbohydrates in your body, but going overboard with it will only accumulate excess fat.
Stick to healthy food that are less fatty and low calorie and you should be fine.
Your body metabolism slows down as you age, causing belly fat. And as the years go by the fat deposits only increase.
Improper digestion
Did you know that your gastrointestinal problems could also cause belly fat? It is important that you chew your food well and eat small amounts of food at regular intervals.
Psychological and emotional factors
Psychological or emotional factors such as depression, stress etc cause you to eat more leading to accumulation of fat in the belly.
Too much alcohol
Too much alcohol can cost you dearly. One of the leading reasons for belly fat is drinking too much alcohol. What we call as “beer belly” is because of excessive consumption of alcohol.
Women undergo a lot of hormonal changes in their bodies. Post-pregnancy, menopause etc may cause severe ups and downs in hormones causing side effects such as weight gain.
Regular medical advice and being active and busy will help to control some of the food cravings you may face during this time.
Hereditary/ Genes/ Hormones
In some people, the reason can also be hereditary. Certain genes in our body cause this kind of fat accumulation in specific parts of our body.
Each one reacts differently to food and other stimulus because of their genes. That is why some of you may put on more weight than the others despite eating the same quantity of food.
Hormonal changes within the body also causes fat accumulation in the body. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menopause etc change the way your body breaks and stores fat. Fat distribution often shifts in postmenopausal women, placing more fat in the hip, thighs and arms. Some even gain belly weight without gaining any weight.You should take the advice of a good medical expert who will help you deal with this in the right way.
Side effects of certain medicines
You may experience certain side effects (such as belly fat) on the consumption of some medicines. So, the next time your doctor prescribes some medication to you, be sure to check for any possible side effects for the same.
Belly Fat Risks, Dangers and Health Hazards
Growing Trend to Look Slim
Gone are the days when having a belly fat was considered as a sign of prosperity. Today, with the growing trend of being slim and with the various known health hazards attached to being obese, people across the globe are striving hard to lose the chubby look.
I’m sure you will agree that no one wants a belly with a flab. Everyone is consciously trying hard to look fit and have a flat and a well toned belly.
Health Risks – Research & Findings
In our often busy lives, we tend to ignore the more obvious signs of failing health. The most critical one being a bulging stomach. Today, many scientists have conducted extensive research on obesity and have arrived at a startling conclusion that about a quarter of a million people lose their lives each year in the U.S. alone due to complications arising from being overweight.
A recent research was conducted and data was collected from 16,000 people with coronary heart diseases, it was revealed that patients having fat accumulated around the belly had a higher risk of dying than the other people who had fat accumulated all across the body.
Health Risks – Belly Fat
One of the more serious problems however is that of belly fat accumulation!
Scientific research has proved that although it is unhealthy to have excessive weight throughout the body, it is an even higher risk having excessive fat around the abdominal area. Unfortunately most of us do not realize that abdominal fat is not only ugly but is also poses a serious health hazard.
It has also been widely noted that this problem is no longer constricted to the age group of 40 and above. Sadly today, there are many children and teenagers who due to various reasons fall in the Belly Fat Risks/Danger zone.
The repercussions of a belly fat are alarming:-
- It makes you lethargic and tired
- Prone diabetes
- Blood pressure
- Heart Stroke
- Some kind of cancer
- Sleeping disorder
- Breathlessness
- Indigestion
Psychological Effects of Belly Fat
Apart from the physical ailments, it is also observed that people with a huge belly suffer from low self esteem. This has been noted especially among the younger lot .The reasons for it being:
- Increase in the influence of mass media
- Pressure to imitate famous personalities on screen who are slim
- Peer pressure
Whatever the cause maybe, health specialists recommend continuous and regular health checkups and effective measures that can help you reduce belly fat.
Belly Fat Damages Kidney?
Ill effects of excessive belly fat on the body is well-documented, but a newer research suggests that it could also increase the risk of developing kidney disease.
Belly fat on its own is bad, but it’s worse when other chronic conditions also exist in the same patient. This is because diabetes, high blood pressure, renal failure, they all seem to go hand-in-hand. At least this is what one of the latest findings have to say.
In a new study, having an “apple-shaped” body, where fat is mainly concentrated in the abdominal area, was associated with reduced kidney function, reduced kidney blood flow and higher blood pressure in the organ, though it’s unclear why.
About the Study
This study appeared in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. The National Library of Medicine defines kidney disease as as a gradual loss of kidney function, which means the body slow loses its ability to remove waste and excess fluid.
There’s no cure, and if it goes untreated, kidney disease can become end-stage renal disease, which is deadly.
The lead author of the study, noted that it doesn’t matter what a person’s overall weight is, just where that weight is concentrated on the body.
“We found that apple-shaped persons – even if totally healthy and with a normal blood pressure – have an elevated blood pressure in their kidneys,” he said in a statement. “When they are also overweight or obese, this is even worse.”
Potential Causes
Usually, its the common culprits such as eating lot of fast food, experiencing lot of stress, and no exercising.
Skipping meals (because of a hectic lifestyle) also adds to the problem. It makes your body go in starvation mode, and by the time you are ready to eat, you’re out running errands or sitting at home and don’t want to invest time in making something.
And because you’re so hungry from skipping meals, you’ll overeat. It could mean snacking until you’re stuffed (often without realizing how much you’ve eaten) or eating big portions of fast food.
Related Ailments
Because of obesity, the self-esteem also usually takes a hit.
So people who are overweight, usually have some kind of other ailments going on other than just obesity.
Diabetes and high blood pressure are both common causes of kidney disease. However, belly fat’s potential link to that, only adds to the bad publicity it’s been getting.
Last year, studies linked extra fat around the waistline to bone loss in men and reduced cognitive function in seniors.
Belly Fat in Skinny People
If you are thin and think you are immune to the effects of belly fat, you are mistaken. Just because you are thin doesn’t mean that you do not have fat deposits in your belly. In fact, the fat is often hidden, covering all your vital organs which make it even more dangerous. Due to the sedentary lifestyle, people who are lean are at a higher risk of mortality than those who are fat and active.
Doctors and health experts believe that the fat that surrounds the vital organs of the body i.e. heart, pancreas etc which is invisible to the naked eye is more dangerous than the fat under the skin; they are the reason for heart diseases, cancer and type II diabetes.
There are many people who are fatter and have better metabolism than their thinner contemporaries. If you are thin and if you believe that you can eat and drink as much you want, you are truly mistaken.
No matter what your size, you need to exercise and eat nutritious food. If you have belly fat in spite of being skinny/thin, regular workouts and a balanced diet will help get rid of it and will ensure you lead a healthy life in the future.
Teenagers and Belly Fat
Obesity can affect children and teenagers as well. Erratic lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, dependence on fast food, and lack of exercise are some of the reasons for fat accumulation in teenagers. If not tackled on time, it could cause life-threatening diseases.
Parents all across the world have a new reason to worry now. Till now, it was believed that people after a certain age grow obese and have belly fat. But today, there are an alarmingly large number of children and teenagers suffering from a fat belly.
Studies reveal that a large number of people today are obese and a significant proportion of them point to teenagers.
Here are the most common reasons for obesity amongst Teens:
- Diet: One of the primary reasons for belly fat amongst youngsters is the high-fat food intake. Fast food is slowly becoming a staple diet for teenagers today.
- Lack of exercise: Your favorite pastime maybe to watch television but remember, the more you sit on your couch, the more weight you gain. Lack of exercise causes obesity and fat accumulation around the abdomen.
Lifestyle & Stress: Late night parties, regular consumption of alcohol, irregular sleep patterns, stress, depression etc are also causes of obesity and belly fat among teenagers today.
Whether you are a teenager or an adult, belly fat poses the same amount of risk for all. A fatter stomach means a high risk of heart attack, diabetes and when it comes to teenagers, it means lifelong diseases.
It also has serious effects on their self-esteem. Children and teenagers in their age are very impressionable. They watch their favourite celebrity on television and want to ape them, look and dress like them. They get easily disappointed when they cannot see themselves the way they want to.
To add to it, there is always a lot of peer pressure and ridicule among children their age. So, if you are a parent with a child or a teenager facing the same problem, make sure you don’t criticize or make fun of them. Encourage them to deal with it positively by talking to them often and pushing them towards the right method of exercise.
If you are a teenager facing this problem, don’t be hard on yourself. And don’t set unrealistic expectations. Exercise and diet is your mantra to a healthy body.
If you intend to reduce your belly fat, you should keep away from all your burgers and colas. Cut back on sugary food like cakes, chocolates, ice creams etc. Colas and some juices also contain high sugar. Avoid fatty food and all kinds of junk. Be aware of the contents of a product and eat wisely.
Add more of green vegetables, low calorie diet etc. Parents should also encourage and practice a healthy diet to inculcate the habit in children.
You need to exercise but that does not mean you have to do workouts only in the gym. You can do things you enjoy like swimming, playing volleyball or mow the lawn etc. An active life is key to long life.
Here are some more tips:
- Drink a lot of water. Water flushes out a lot of toxins, sugar etc. from the body
- Don’t worry much, control stress and anxiety and try to be happy at all times.
- Get enough sleep and rest. Your body needs rest and relaxation too.
- Try any form of fun activity such as: Cycling, Jogging, Swimming, Dancing or doing Simple exercises at home etc
How to Manage / Get Rid of Belly Fat
Here are some of the things that you can do to deal with those love handles. But it is important to remember that there is no need to do anything extreme. You just need to take care of some basic things on a regular basis and there are high chances that those will disappear over time.
In order to get rid of belly fat, you need to exercise. The good news is that internal fat can be easily burnt out by regular workouts. There is no short cut to this. If you want to be healthy, exercise is the only way out for you.
While exercising helps, there is no point of doing one particular type of exercise that focuses only on the abdomen, such as sit-ups all day. It just doesn’t work. People have already experienced that doing exercises usually only for any particular body part just doesn’t work; though this is a misconception that many people still have!
To lose love handles, do cardio that will help burn the fat around your mid section, however if you don’t have much weight to lose, then do resistance training exercises that will help you slim down your waist.
You can go to the gym, or do simple home workouts such as plank exercise or crunches, vertical lifts, weights, cardio etc or even some fun activity like dance, skipping, jogging, swimming etc.
A good diet is a must for a healthy life. You should add more vegetables and low-calorie food items in your diet. Avoid sugary food such as cakes, chocolates etc. Some juices that you think are healthy contain high levels of sugar in them. Avoid junk food and have lots of water.
You really don’t need to starve yourself by being on a frustrating diet, though it is important to keep a tab on what you eat. Watch what you eat. Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges will help you lose a few pounds.
Eating habits
We often tend to eat a lot of food at one time when hungry. It is important to eat small meals every two hours. A balanced diet will keep you healthy and fit in the long run.
Its important to keep your weight down and manage other health-related conditions. Reading nutrition labels for the content, watching portion sizes and exercising regularly are all ways to keep lifestyle habits in check.
Health specialists recommend continuous and regular health checkups and effective measures that can help reduce belly fat.
Don’t go for any kind of medical treatment such as lipo-suction or take any over the counter medication, those are likely to do more harm to your body. There is no need to take any drugs as natural remedy works as well.
So there are ways of getting rid of love handles for both men and women, and to be frank these are no secrets. Love handles are going to stay unless you really work on them.
I am not really sure about the origin of this word called “love” handles, but one thing is there that almost everybody hates having them. If you’re one of those who have no love for these flabby folds, then it’s time that you start taking some action. It’s your call if you want to aim for flat abs or you want to go in for a ripped and a muscular six pack stomach.
Closing Thoughts
In this jet speed age, when you are always running short of time, your lifestyle undergoes a change which invariably affects your health. You may not find enough time to exercise or may eat more junk food (because you are too lazy). But all these things ultimately affect your health and show on your belly.
With the growing concern for obesity around the world, it is high time that you stop ignoring the risks and the health hazards attached to belly fat accumulation. Not only can belly fat bring down your self confidence but also cause long term health problems. The only way to deal with it is continuous health checks and immediate action to reduce abdominal fat in a healthy way. Most of us refuse to accept that their belly fat is a cause of concern and ignore the symptoms till it is too late.
Some causes of belly fat like proper diet, exercise, proper medication, etc are in your control and if you are careful about it, you don’t have to worry about that flab around your stomach. In order to live a healthy and long fulfilling life, one must adopt a healthy lifestyle with the right kind of food intake and exercise.
Now that you know why you get belly fat, the reasons and its effects, I hope you will make the necessary changes in your lifestyle. To avoid the risks associated with Belly Fat, strict discipline and regular weight management are the only way to effectively get rid of belly fat, and with a little bit of dedication and self control, you can definitely do it.
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