We all have come across people who are “amazing” at whatever they do, whereas there are many more who just struggle to get the job done.
And though its quite easy to say that “He/She is born talented”, the fact is that most experts have taught themselves to become one.
Most experts believe that it is possible for anybody to move from “average” to being labelled an “expert” provide you follow a set of rules, which you have to follow day in and out.
Here are five characteristics that most experts have, and something that you should strive for if you want to become one.
Move Out of the Comfort Zone
Experts constantly operate outside of their comfort zone and stretch their boundaries. So for instance, if they were learning to play the piano, they would practice the most difficult portions first, rather than start with the section which they are already comfortable with.
Having said that, you should always be aware of your strengths and focus your efforts in those areas. So, if music is your passion & you have a natural inclination for it, you should think whether its really worth the effort trying to become good at photography.
Copy the Successful Ones
Emulate those who are successful than you; find someone who has already done what you want to achieve, and copy what they do.
This is what even Tony Robbins says in his books. This is what companies like Samsung have perfected.
Learn from Experience
You need to learn from your past failures, as well as successes. You need a mechanism that will provide you constant feedback on what & how you’re doing.
A quote by Ken Blanchard comes to mind here: “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
You Need Data
You need to continuously monitor what you do & gather data; keeping track of your progress is key to your success. You also need to keep an eye on competition.
Here’s a popular saying in corporate circles: “In God we trust, but all others must bring data”.
Become an Expert
The above steps should eventually lead you to this one, but until then you should strive to become really good in your niche or field. However, following a set of rules (such as the ones mentioned here) definitely helps!
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