How to do Ab Wheel Exercise? Here are the most effective abdominal wheel exercises.
Using the Ab Wheel is one of the simplest form of exercises but if done correctly can give great results for your abs.
This is excellent exercise if you are already into sports/athletics such as boxing, football, baseball, etc.
Complete Exercise
The abdominal wheel looks like a simple device but it is capable of working out all the core muscles on your body. In addition to abs, it can exercise your shoulders, arms, upper and lower back as well.
Installing Abdominal Wheel
When you order for one, you need to assemble it before you can start working out. Putting it together is easy. The instructions may ask to apply bit of oil on the steel rod before slipping on the handles.
Quality wise, these wheels don’t have to be fancy – it just has to be functional. If you don’t find the grips comfortable, then you can add additional grips if you wish.
Perfect Fitness Ab Carver Pro
The Perfect Fitness Ab Carver Pro is an effective product to workout your abs, you’ll definitely feel your abs tighten up when you workout with this ab-wheel.
- PROS: Wider rolling surface allows for varied exercises, comfortable knee pads, no damage to carpet or wooden floor
- CONS: Bit pricey
Key features of Perfect Fitness Ab Carver Pro:
- Ultra-wide wheel for better grip and varied ab exercises
- non-slip ergonomic grips for stability control
- High-density foam for superior comfort
Ab Exercises
I have posted some videos here on how to work-out the abs using an abdominal wheel.
But here’s one important tip to work the abs best.
In the fully stretched posture, hold on for a second or two. You will get better benefits. It will be difficult initially but you will be able to do that after a few days.
Note: If you are trying to get into shape or are physically unfit and if you are having difficulty mastering the wheel or it hurts your back or if it just doesn’t feel right, then by all means take a break from this exercise and choose something easier.
To see the best improvements to your abs, use it regularly at least for around 4 weeks. Reduction in belly fat is definitely possible with regular Ab wheel exercise but to get proper six pack abs you need to do lot of cardio as well to burn the fat. Cardio, healthy diet and Ab exercises are the key to get real flat abs.
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