Here are the best AB machines that will help you develop solid abs and even help you develop six packs with regular work out.
Ab Coaster PS500 Review
The Ab Coaster PS500 exercise machine is a great equipment to put yourself on the fast track to great abs. Use it correctly (as demonstrated), add some cardiovascular exercises, follow a good diet plan and you can see great results.
The revolutionary Ab Coaster works exactly the opposite from a traditional ab crunch machines. Rather than working your ab muscles from the top down, the Ab Coaster works from the bottom up, helping you target those hard-to-reach lower abs.
How to Use It?
When using the Ab Coaster PS-500, make sure your elbows are well placed on the pad, and hold the arm grips loosely so that your range of motion is not limited.
The correct way to use this machine is to stabilize your upper body (should not move during the workouts), then move the lower body forwards while focusing on using your abdominal muscles for this movement.
Once you’ve moved your lower body forward, hold onto that position for a few seconds to increase the intensity of the exercises.
Take about 2 seconds going up, hold for a few seconds, then take about 2 seconds going down, to get a slow and well-controlled repetitions for more effective workout for your abdominal muscles.
More Features
Here are some more features:
- Knee carriage glides along curved track to work lower abs first
- Gradually reaches middle and upper region for full ab workout
- Multi-angle adjustable seat; plate-loading posts for adding weight
Overall, the Ab Coaster PS500 ab crunch machine is a great way to get a thorough ab workout, without having to hit the gym. It’s easy on the neck and back, and a perfect alternative to the crunches, planks, and ab machines that you find in a gym.
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