John Abdo’s Ab Doer was launched more than 2 decades back and went onto become one of the most iconic abdominal exercise machines in the history of personal home training, turning Abdo into a top fitness TV personality. His fitness equipment was simple, yet groundbreaking – it mobilized the entire midsection for fat burning and body shaping – all from a seated position.
John has now upgraded the machine for 2017, building his best Ab Doer yet. Its called the Ab Doer 360, which now comes with the amazing new dynamic fluidity seat. Just like a stability ball engages your core, when you sit on the fluidity seat, your muscles automatically fire like the water in this bottle reacts to the dynamic movements. You’ll burn more calories than ever before, for a 360-degree total body transformation.
The key to the Ab Doer is the patented core support column with multi-direction technology. This powerful resistance mechanism allows you to work every region of your mid-section 360 degrees – including your lower abs, upper abs, your love handle oblique, even all the way around your back.
Best of all, the Ab Doer 360 delivers a complete workout with Abdobics, combines ab-toning and muscle shaping with aerobics. By working out with the AB Doer 360, you can dramatically shed pounds, get washboard abs, build lean muscle mass, tighten the core, all at the same time and in the comfort of your own home.
It also features the Dual-Roller durable foam pads that roll, rub and knead your back muscles while you’re exercising on the AbDoer 360. More than a massage mechanism, the Duel-Roller works to increase supplies of blood and oxygen into the tissues for better workout performances and assists as an aid in post-exercise recovery.
John Abdo is regarded throughout the fitness world as a top go-to trainer and life motivator. A former Olympic trainer, Abdo has trained numerous Olympic and World-Class athletes, and ranks among the top motivational educators for legions of athletes, fitness enthusiasts and coaches in the US. John is also a regular contributor to popular magazines as Men’s Health, Details, Outside, Women’s World, and Muscle & Fitness.
John Abdo’s Ab Doer technology is a fitness and fat-burning phenomenon, with millions of users worldwide. The Ab Doer 360 is designed to workout even more muscles, and burns more calories for even more visible results in less time than ever before.
The place to bring home your Ab Doer 360 is AbDoer360.com. The Ab Doer 360 is the most popular abdominal aerobic fitness machine and the easiest way to a flat, firm stomach.
Source: newsmax
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