Threptin Buscuits (Diskettes) is basically a high protein food valuable for those who, due to illness or poor dietary habits, are unable to consume sufficient amounts of protein daily. Threptin Biscuits (Diskettes) are protein-rich, easily digested and can be used as a health food supplement by both children as well as adults.
Threptin biscuits, also known as Threptin Diskettes, is a high protein supplement that supplies vital protein of high biological value to the body.
The source of protein of threptin biscuits is Casien (slow digesting milk protein), which is a biologically first class protein. Each threptin biscuit contains 1.5 gram of protein, so 4 threptin biscuits is equivalent to roughly 1 egg white.
- Each threptin biscuit contains 1.5 gram of protein, so consuming 4 threptin biscuits is same as consuming 1 egg.
- It can be consumed by anybody (this is not designed for bodybuilders).
- Like other biscuits, these are also a bit high on fat (about 14%)
- Available Pack Size: 275 g and 1 kg
- Flavours : Threptin Biscuits (Diskettes) are available in Regular, Chocolate, Mango, Pineapple and more flavours
Watch: Threptin Protein Biscuits
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Threptin Protein Biscuits: FAQ
1. How many Threptin Diskettes can be consumed in a day?
You can have 4-5 biscuits in the evening along with a low fat milk as part of your evening snack. However, if you want a post workout supplement, opt for a whey protein shake.
2. What are the protein sources in Threptin Diskettes?
The main protein source in Threptin Diskettes is Casein.
3. What is Casein?
Casein is a protein present in milk which is a class 1 protein having all essential amino acids. Casein is very easy to digest and even a newborn can digest this protein easily.
4. Are Threptin Diskettes safe for children?
A lot of parents ask whether these biscuits can be given to children as young as 2 year old, the answer is that it can be given; however, home made food should be sufficient for such small children, and if there is any nutrition deficiency the doctor would be the best person to advice alternate medication or supplements.
5. Are Threptin Diskettes safe in pregnancy?
6. Are Threptin Diskettes lactose free?
7. Who should have Threptin Diskettes?
Threptin Diskettes can be eaten by all, in particular those who need higher proteins and calories like during pregnancy, growing children, elderly, post-operatively, persons convalescing from any illness, gym goers etc.
8. What is the difference between Threptin Diskettes and other protein powders available in the market?
The protein powders available in the market are from vegetable sources like ground nut, soya, pea etc. Protein from vegetable sources are not class 1 protein as they do not contain all the essential amino acids. Threptin Diskettes on the other hand contain Casein, a class 1 protein, as its predominant protein source.
9. Can Threptin Diskettes be used as a meal replacement or a snack?
Threptin Diskettes are mainly used as a high protein snack to be had between meals. They are also occasionally used as a meal replacement in individuals wishing to lose weight, after discussing the calorie replacement that is recommended by the doctor or the dietician for the meal being replaced.
10. How much sugar is present in one Threptin Diskette?
Each Threptin Diskette being 5 gm contains 1.15 gm sugar.
11. Can Threptin Diskettes be tube-fed as a supplement if needed?
Threptin Diskettes can be dissolved in water or milk and can be then tube fed.
12. Once opened, in how many days should Threptin diskettes be consumed?
Once opened, Threptin Diskettes should be consumed in 3 weeks.
13. Are Threptin Diskettes gluten free?
Only Threptin Diskettes (Chocolate Flavour) are gluten free.
Wesite: threptin.com
Homemade Threptin Biscuits
If you go through the ingredients of these biscuits, it will probably make some of you think, “why can’t I make this at home”? Well, you can definitely give it a try and there are many fitness conscious moms who make Homemade Threptin Biscuits.
Its like making any other kind of cookies but with a few more ingredients.
- Peanut Butter (one teaspoonful)
- Whey powder (one scoop)
- Oats flour (one teaspoon)
- Butter (one teaspoon)
- Mix the ingredients, roll on a baking sheet (or anything flat), use a cookie cutter to cut into proper shapes.
- You can store these biscuits/cookies in the fridge
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