Kids love ride-on vehicles such pedal cars, karts, swing cars, tricycles, balanced bikes as they provide a sense of motion, which kids find exhilarating. These help kids stay active, get some exercise, and helps in motor skill development. However, it’s important to prioritize safety when using these moving toys.
The first ride-on toy we bought was the Swing car, which is a manual ride-on toy. It goes ahead just by moving the steering wheel, but my little ones preferred to use the feet to propel ahead as it moved the toy at a much faster pace, and they loved it. The kids mostly used it at home, where the rooms had smoother wooden surface (no carpet) which was the reason these toys moved so smoothly.
On one of his birthdays, the younger one received a trike (tricycle) as a gift, it had two supporting wheels at the back which prevented the cycle from toppling over. Those supporting wheels were removable, which is a nice thing because one the child grows up, the ride-on toy can be used as a regular bicycle.
I also saw many balance bikes in my building and I felt it had a clever design and nice way to learn to ride a bike.
So, there are a range of interesting ride-on toys for kids that are fun to use.
Here are some of the popular ones.
Kick Scooters
Kick scooters are designed to provide a fun riding experience to its riders. With a scooter, children can easily turn, drift, zoom, and is a great way to spend more time outdoors. Scooters with three-wheel design gives a lot of stability to riders, thus making it an ideal scooter to young children. Read more on Kick Scooters.
Balance Bikes for Kids
Balance bikes, strider bikes, no-pedal bikes or running bikes – top outdoor toys that help children experience fun as well as freedom. Read more on balance bikes here.
Kids Tricycles
Kids trikes are quite versatile now and can be used in a variety of ways, including as a stroller. Some modes also convert into independent bikes. Read more on Kids Tricycles here.
Pedal Cars for Kids
Pedal cars and trucks ride-ons do not run on batteries; instead one has to pedal to move the car ahead. Pedal cars work better on smoother surfaces and can be difficult to pedal on gravel or uneven surfaces. These cars do not have any braking mechanism; the bottom of a pedal car is wide-open and the kid stops the car by putting his feet down (that is the brake for this car).
Pedal-powered go-karts are manually driven using pedals. These aren’t as fast as electric go karts but provide good exercise to the kids and are always ready to be used (no need to charge). Pneumatic tires make it effortless to ride and easier to control.
Electric-powered go karts are powered by an electric motor (and Battery) and are typically larger and faster than pedal-powered go karts.
You can further personalize your go-kart with optional accessories like the safety flag, horn and LED headlight. These accessories are a great way to make your kart stand out in the crowd.
Read: Skating for fitness
Safety Features
When it comes to kids, you should always factor in safety, especially with ride-on toys as there’s a small risk of falling, colliding with obstacles and tipping over. There may be concrete portions on the path and the cycle may trip because of uneven surface.
So safety needs to be taken care of.
Adult supervision is recommended when kids are playing with these toys, especially when kids are dealing with rides with training wheels, tricycles, and other pedal-powered toys. Adult supervision is required to avoid accidents and to make kids aware of possible dangers.
Make sure the kids are using protective gear, such as helmet, gloves, pads.
Related: Protective gear for kids