This story will inspire you to add revenue pipelines to your business
Story-Are you a Bucketeer or a Pipeline Liner?
A long time ago, two ambitious cousins named Pablo and Bruno lived in an Italian village.
They were both bright and hard working. All they needed was an opportunity.
One day that opportunity arrived. Their village decided to hire two men to carry water from a nearby river to a big tank built for village supply. This job went to Pablo and Bruno.
Both grabbed two buckets and headed to the river. By the end of the day, they had filled the tank to the brim. Village paid them one
penny for each bucket of water.
Pablo’s back ached and his hands were blistered from carrying the heavy buckets. He dreaded getting up and going to work the next morning. He vowed to think of a better way to get the water from the river to the village.
“Bruno, I have a plan,” Pablo said the next morning as they grabbed their buckets and headed for the river. “Instead of lugging buckets back and forth for pennies a day, let’s build a pipeline from the village to the river.
Bruno stopped dead in his tracks.
“A pipeline! Whoever heard of such a thing?” Bruno shouted. “We’ve got a great
job, Pablo. I can carry 100 buckets a day. At a penny a bucket that’s a dollar a
day! I’m rich!.
But Pablo was not easily discouraged. He patiently explained the pipeline plan to
his best friend. Ultimately Bruno did not join Pablo in pipeline project.
Pablo would work part of the day carrying buckets, and part of the day and weekends building his pipeline⛏. He knew it would be hard work digging a ditch in the rocky soil. Because he was paid by the bucket he knew his income would drop. He also knew it might take a year or two before his pipeline would pay off. But Pablo believed in his dream and he went to work.
Bruno and the rest of the villagers began mocking Pablo, calling him “Pablo The
Pipeline Man.” Bruno was earning almost twice the money as Pablo.
Pablo kept digging his pipeline. The first few months Pablo didn’t have much to show for his efforts. He reminded himself of “Short-term pain equals long-term gain,”
Days turned into months. One day Pablo realized his pipeline was half-way finished, which meant he only had to walk half as far to fill his buckets! Pablo used the extra time to work on his pipeline.
Finally Pablo’s big day arrived, his pipeline was complete! The villagers crowded around as the water gushed from the pipeline into the village tank!
Once the pipeline was complete, Pablo didn’t have to carry buckets anymore.
Water flowed whether he worked or not. It flowed while he ate. It flowed while he slept. It flowed on weekends while he played. The more the water flowed into the village, the more money flowed into Pablo’s pockets!
Now that the village had a steady supply of fresh water, people from around the countryside moved into the village and the village prospered.
More people moved in to village, more water required & more money for Pablo.
Learning from the story:
1. All good things come with short term pain & long term pleasures. All not so good things and comfort zones comes bundled with short term pleasures and long term pains.
2. Bucketeering is easy to start with but not the right thing to do. Pipe line making is right but not easy thing to start with. Let’s choose right over what is easy.
3. The more pipelines we add to our business, the more Freedom and Valuable it becomes. The more PASSIVE revenue streams the better.
Questions to ask ourselves!
What are opportunities for me to learn how to add active & passive pipelines to my business?
What is the most sure shot way of adding multiple pipelines to my business?
What are Active and Passive pipelines?