Want to get the maximum benefit from your workouts, don’t stick to the same exercise routine; mix it up to stay fit. A decade ago, a typical workout in a gymnasium meant walking or running on a treadmill and cycling for 15-20 minutes followed by a mix of various body exercises – sit-ups, lunges and […]
Fitness & Exercise
Get a Massage regularly to keep your body in top gear
Regular massage keeps your body in great form, helps repair muscles, helps maintain health, and in general, reduces body pain. It is recommended that you get a massage at least once a month. Massage therapy is often recommended for pain management, quick recovery (for professional athletes), stress management, treating sore stiff muscles and sports-related injuries, […]
Benefits of Walking for General Fitness
Walking Exercise for General Fitness: Understand why doctors suggest that its the best medicine. Here are some of the benefits of walking, especially useful for General Fitness. This can be a good form of exercise for anyone who wish to restart after an injury break or even for pregnant women. Walking is a good form […]
Functional training doesn’t require Bodybuilding Equipment
Life does go around in circles. There used to be a time when people would do a lot of physical work and that itself would be the equivalent of exercising. Over the years times changed, and people would frequent gyms to lift weights and use all the Bodybuilding Equipment to get back in shape. And […]
Leading Weight Loss Firm Under Scanner for Publishing Misleading Ad
Just open today’s newspaper and you can see several advertisements who claim to offer workable solutions to your weight related problems. And the best part is that some of them also claim that their treatments are also FDA (Maharashtra Food and Drug Administration) approved. However, it seems that’s not exactly true! That’s why the state […]
6 Habits To Incorporate Right Away For a Better Body
In today’s hectic life when your day is already packed with so many meetings & chores, working out can easily take a backseat. In fact, it is the first one to get knocked off your to-do list when something pressing comes up. Also, for many, exercise means taking the stairs to the meeting room on […]
Doing household chores for 30 min is same as exercising
A couple of decades back, most people in India did not have access to gadgets such as vacuum cleaners nor did they have maids. They would do all the household chores themselves, no wonder most of them are quite active and healthy even in their sixties. A new study reveals that doing household chores is […]
Circuit Training Exercises
Circuit Training Exercises: Excellent way to develop strength and endurance at the same time! Find sample exercises which can be built into a highly effective routine. These are high-intensity weight exercises to give you a Total Body Workout. Are you looking for an effective way to get your body into shape? Don’t have much time […]
How young is too young for weight training?
While weight training at a young age can interfere with a child’s normal growth, these injuries are almost due to using too much weight and without improper technique (and guidance). Experts say smart strength training, with much lower weights, is absolutely acceptable and beneficial. Misconceptions about Weight Training There are lot of misconceptions about weight […]
Gym fails, funny workout videos
Watch Gym fails, funny workout pictures and videos. Yoga Jokes Pic 1: it takes years of practice to do this asana The ancient yogis used logs of wood, stones, and ropes to help them practice asana’s effectively. Extending this principle, Yogacharya Iyengar invented props which allow asana’s to be help easily for a longer duration, […]