Here are some tips that will help you come up with a nice name for your sports team/club or even for your business.
Coming up with a nice name for your team helps because you’ll most likely use the name on social media groups as well, and may even use it to create/print merchandise in the future.
So if you are a group of people who have been pursuing some common hobby or sports, you should think of a nice name for your group, something that reflects the personality of the members of the group.
Few things to remember when thinking of a name:
You should decide if you need some aspirational name (names that include Eagles, Hawks, Lions, Tigers) or choose something that is more befitting the kind of members in your club.
Personally, I feel aspirational names are more suited to the younger lot who play competitive sport. For the more amateurish teams and teams that have senior people, you may think of something humorous/offbeat (assumption is your club is going to have a similar member profile in future as well).
Also, because your team name could appear on T-shirts, online media, tournaments, and other merchandise, you should be comfortable talking about it with others as well.
So for example, Old and bald sounds good when you’re talking to your team mates, but will you still find it funny if its printed somewhere? It shouldn’t make your wife/son/daughter or neighbours cringe.
Here are some suggestions:
The Best
- The A Team.
- The Underdogs.
- Here for the Exercise.
- Names that include words like challengers, strikers, warriors, kings
- Combination of Lions, Tigers, Stallions, Eagles, Hawks, or other animals
Funny Best
- Drunken Strikers
- Not Fast But Furious
- Old Monks Love …..
- Beer Makes Us Play Well
- Harmless After …..
- Goal Diggers
- Still Trying To Score
- LIFO – Last In First Out.
More suggestions:
Take the first letter (alphabet) of the names of the individuals in the group and come up with some interesting name (works well for small sized teams/groups)
Here’s a good resource to get some more ideas.
Please feel free to share more ideas for team names.
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