StrongBoard Balance is a nicely designed, premier balance board with a compression spring at the center. A pair of 18″ x 26″ platforms sandwiches 4 tightly-grouped springs to activate your stabilizing core muscles and encourage mind-body syncing during exercise.
Besides balancing, it also makes basic exercises such as squats or push-ups more challenging, and more effective.
- You don’t experince any back and forth movement on this board
- Perfect for all ages and fitness levels
- Experience better overall balance and improve mind-body connection
- Huge gains in core strength, flexibility and range of motion
Besides resistance training, the company is also encouraging physical therapists and fitness professionals to use the board for rehab and prevention, by using it for balance, core strength, agility, and posture improvement capabilities in their prescribed patient treatment and recovery regimens.
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B00P8PPP20″ locale=”US” tag=”fitbizin-20″]Buy StrongBoard Balance Board on Amazon[/easyazon_link]
Overall, a nice fitness accessory for getting paddle board balance & exercise.
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