Social media marketing has gained recognition as one of the top ways to advertise, as a means to greatly increase sales and visibility online for businesses. And Facebook is definitely one of the most popular options for social media marketing.
Established businesses have several clients, built over the years, that sustains their business. However, the rest of us need to look for new leads that will eventually turn into clients. Having a optimised website is great to attract high-quality search visitors, but if you want to do more, you have to make use of social media to connect your firm with other potential clients.
Social Media Tips
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a form of internet marketing, which seeks to achieve branding and marketing communication goals through the participation in various social media networks like You Tube, My Space, and Face book, social web application like dig, delicious, reddit, Wiki. The goal of each SMM program varies from business to business, but mainly involves building of brand awareness, increasing visibility and through this, sells a product or service.
Social Media Marketing is becoming an essential marketing tool for connecting with customers and optimizing online presence. Social Media describes the tools and platforms, people use to publish, converse and share content online. Video, pod cast, blogs, discussion boards and social networking sites are all tools, online businessmen can use to build relationship with their customers and keep them on websites longer. Social media provides more opportunities for organizations to present optimized content that can be indexed by search engines and ultimately improves site rating.
Helpful Tips to Make Social Media Marketing Work For You
Here are some useful Tips and Tricks to boost your Business Revenue using Social Media Marketing.
- Have regular updates available for your followers
- Make sure you keep all your content on your website
- Make sure you’re consistently updating your social media pages as well
- Hold special contests for your targeted customers that they can participate in to win something for free
- Make sure you listen to what your customers have to say
- Link your main site to your social media sites
- Be patient when it comes to building your social media marketing presence
- Keep your eyes open for the different opportunities available to you
- Be flexible when it comes to social media marketing
- Social media marketing has much to do with networking
When using social media, you need to understand that it requires time to build rapport with your target audience. When you’re running a business, there’s simply not enough time to do that, if you are not using social media effectively.
So we gathered some actionable social media tips that your business can begin working on today to help further your marketing efforts.
Do Not Constantly Sell Your Services
Contrary to popular belief, as a business, you should not constantly sell to your audience on social media. Every tweet should NOT be about “buying this” or every update about “registering for that”.
As a business, you risk losing the attention of your potential pool of clients. When you over-sell, you drive your audience away.
What you really need to do is add value to your customers. Value comes in the form of content curation, creating connections through real social conversation, and providing a piece of yourself by sharing insights about your brands personality and beliefs.
When your audience identifies with your brand, the easier it comes to convert them into clients.
DO THIS INSTEAD: Follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of your posts should be social. 20% should be about the sell.
Become the Subject-Matter Expert
If your law firm specializes in medical malpractice, then communicate that message in everything you do on social. Focus on providing and sharing medical malpractice stories, triumphs, and tips to identify it.
Create a tight company bio that can be used across all social media platforms that communicates your subject matter expertise.
Once your establish yourself as the expert, you will be a strong candidate in the event that your audience needs your legal services when it comes to that expertise.
Top Social Media / Networking Sites
The great thing about social networking is that it is changing how people communicate with friends, family, businesses and everyone else online, and it is even revolutionizing how people make money online as well. You can target new friends, old friends, family members and even new customers on the top ten best social networking sites.
You can also develop relationships and introduce people to what you have to offer. If you have never looked into social networking then it is time that you did. If you do not know where to start when it comes to social networking, you can look no further.
Here are the top ten best social networking sites and what they can offer you.
1 – Facebook – This is another general social networking site that is similar in nature to MySpace. What it offers is unique in many ways, making it necessary to be a member of both for best results.
2 – Twitter – Twitter capitalizes on micro-blogging, allowing you to follow what your friends are doing and share micro-updates with the people who want to know what you are up to as well.
3 – YouTube – YouTube is a social networking website that allows you to build a channel of self-uploaded videos that you can share with others. This is a great way to build relationships through viral video marketing.
4 – LinkedIn – This is a website that allows you to network with professionals in your industry and others. If you want to get to know people with similar business interests, this is the way to do it.
5 – Instagram – Instagram is a photo and video sharing app where can upload photos or videos and share them with their followers.
6 – Pinterest – Pinterest is another popular image sharing and social media service.
There are many other social networking sites out there, but these are the bigger ones. So go ahead and leverage your business and social life using these social networking sites.
Social Marketing Strategy
To implement some of the social media elements, it is first important to evaluate your customers to create an effective strategy.
Posting video content on YouTube is a unique opportunity to improve your position in Google’s universal search results. With YouTube, customers can visit the site, view your video and easily post to their own blogs, social networking profiles or websites. YouTube is a great way to reach a broader viewer and generate buzz around new products, especially if your product has a visual appeal.
Building healthy relationship with the customer, that last is an on-going process for a businessperson. Social media takes this a step further by making that relationship personal through blogs. It tells about you, not only about your product or service.
A blog, which includes video, pictures and text, can build interest and loyalty among customers and a new way to search engine optimization. Create a page dedicated to community with website visitors and this will be interactive.
Social media encourages social visits to your site. Keep adding content to encourage customers to return regularly. With the advent of social media, consumers have become contributors, contributing to brand messaging. SMM is related to other online tactics such as SEO, SMO. It has a more active planned role in directing, influencing and suggesting the community members.
Setup Twitter Cards
When using Twitter, you stand the chance of achieving a higher click through rate when using Twitter Cards. Twitter Cards enable you to attach rich photos, videos and add media to Tweets that drive traffic to your law firm’s website.
Join Hashtag Conversations
There are conversations occurring around your firm’s focus all the time. If you are personal injury attorney that focuses on car accidents, search using #caraccident. If you practice family law, then join the conversation around #divorce.Use LinkedIn Paid Advertising
If you are a law firm that focuses on startups, try creating a social media ad campaign that targets startups on LinkedIn.
If you’re a medical malpractice lawyer, target doctors. If you are an insurance lawyer, target insurance companies and employees.
Social Media Paid Ads to a Landing Page
A golden rule that almost seems to always get broken is to NEVER send paid traffic to your homepage. When create social media ads, make a separate landing page on your website that you can A/B test.
The landing page should be optimized to sell and convert. Test the page layout, buttons, colors, rich media, etc.
And there you have it. Join the conversations surrounding your business and make a name for yourself on social.
Facebook Marketing Guide
There are many strategies that you can use in order to gain recognition on Facebook for your products. It is not enough to simply create a Facebook page and throw some bits of information on it.
If you do it wrong, it can have a negative effect that harms your business rather than enhance it.
Here’s how to promote your business on Facebook:
Company Profile Page
Make your Facebook page as professional as possible. It is important that everything you share makes sense and is useful for visitors. People love pictures and having professional pictures on your page makes it more attractive. Add descriptions to your pictures, too.
Ensure that your Facebook company profile page is complete. Fill out every bit of information that you possibly can. The more information you have, the higher your chances of people trusting your brand name. When you display all there is to know about your company, people will understand what it is you are selling or the audience you are trying to cater to.
Design Your Own Custom Facebook Layout
It can be just as effective as a fresh layout for your website. A well designed layout can make your products more appealing and grab the attention of random web surfers. There are plenty of Facebook tools that can help you design a simple layout that will appeal to the masses.
Avoid clutter on your Facebook page. It may seem rather tempting to display everything about your brand on one page, but it really distracts people and detracts from your page. Use the respective tabs on your profile page to avoid clutter and to organize information.
Get People to Follow You
Be sure to advertise your Facebook page in your emails, in your store or on your website. Tell your friends and family members about it and encourage them to like your page and share it with others.
Make sure that you properly engage with your fans. If someone asks a question or raises a concern, answer it promptly and to the best of your knowledge. Even if you have a lot of work, always make time for your customers. Redirect your fans to the proper knowledge base or source to further answer any inquiries they may have.
Foster a Sense of Community
Foster a sense of community on your profiles. Keep your conversations with fans going as long as possible. The more people you interact with and the longer your conversations, the more trustworthy you will appear to outside sources. When people feel like they can talk to you on a one-on-one basis, they will start to rely on your brand for their future needs.
You may also consider having a contest or a giveaway for those who like your Facebook page. You can offer a free shipping coupon, a free sample or other discount for anyone who becomes a fan of your page.
Let people get to know your brand by using trivia and quizzes on your profile. Make it a bit more interesting by providing your winners with a small prize or discount. This lets people exercise finding fun facts about your brand they may not have found otherwise. By adding a prize for the winner, you are encouraging participation from non-customers as well.
Update Frequently
Post regularly to your Facebook page. This applies to most social media sites.
Stagnant information, particularly if it is obviously no longer relevant, can make your business seem neglected and out of the loop with what is happening today. It can signify that you are not staying on top of the trends or that you do not care about your customers. Update three times a week if at all possible, even if it is just to say hello, and ask your customers if they have any questions that you could answer for them.
Post helpful information, sales or specials, new uses for products or other information that will be useful for your followers. You can also set up special sales for Facebook fans only.
Keep your Facebook posts professional while using a casual tone. People generally go to a business Facebook page because they are interested in your products, not your personal life. This does not mean that you should remain faceless. Let them know there is a real person behind the business, and even have a section where you tell them who you are and what your background is. But refrain from posting every detail about your life and your family.
Facebook Graph Search vs Search Engines: Should you really be bothered if you own a website and rely on traffic from search engines?
There is no doubt that Facebook is big and one of the most popular social sites. A new feature that has been recently added to it is the Facebook Graph Search!
If you’re a website owner and depend a lot on traffic from search engines, are you worried how it’s going to impact you?
The good thing is that, at least as of now, there doesn’t seem to be any direct threat to search engines, such as Google & Bing (can’t say about the future though).
I have read several articles and seen videos on this topic, and here are a couple of reasons why it won’t impact search engines as of now.
The Search Results are From Within Facebook
The search results are going to display things only from within Facebook and not consider all the websites that are out there. You are only going to see what is shared on Facebook.
So if you need comprehensive information about any particular location, you’ll still need to depend on search engines such as Google for more results.
The results are also going to be within Friends and/or Friends of Friends, which means its going to be “Facebook vs. Facebook” as of now.
Its a tool for searching for people, connections and friend recommendations!
To Conclude
Social media marketing, especially through Facebook, provides the perfect means for any company to share their products and resources with the world. Running a Facebook page can be great for your business. Use the tips shared in this helpful article and you can be on your way to growing your business with this popular social networking website.
Social Media Management Tools That Help Save Time and Optimize Your Activity
Social media is definitely here to stay, so for all those small businesses that have yet to get on the train, it’s time to get your ticket and take the ride! One benefit of the rise of social media for business has been the number of great tools that have developed as a way to help manage social media channels. These tools allow you to schedule posts, optimize engagement and give valuable insight to the who, what, where and when of your social activity. I use many of these tools when working with my small business clients, so wanted to share my list of six awesome social media management tools that help me and my clients save tons of time!Social Media Management Tools for Small Business
Are you looking for an easier way to manage your business social media accounts? Check out our list of the best social media management tools to help you post content and engage with customers.Boost your social media productivity — it doesn’t have to be a manual time-consuming process! Twitter, Facebook (profiles, pages, and groups), LinkedIn (profiles, groups, and company pages), RSS feeds, blogs, etc. Easily schedule updates, find quality people to follow, and monitor social media activity.
Buffer: With Buffer you can easily save interesting articles, pictures and videos that you find right to your account. Buffer then does the work for you, posting your content at staggered times throughout the day. You can also analyze your campaigns, in terms of views, likes, comments, and shares.
HootSuite is perhaps the most popular social media tool, helping you to manage multiple social media accounts and profiles all in one place. With HootSuite you can schedule your social media posts in advance, and then measure your campaign results to track engagement. You also get a single feed to keep track of all your social media conversations.
Crowdbooster: Crowdbooster measures and optimizes your social media marketing by providing powerful, easy-to-use analytics and recommendations on Twitter and Facebook.
SocialFlow is a tool to increase your success with social media. The technology analyzes the conversations that your customers are having, allowing you to target the right audience with the right message, delivered at the right time. In addition, SocialFlow analysis can help you determine the best content to promote with Facebook and Twitter ads.
Sprout Social allows you to schedule and publish to several social media channels. Your accounts are combined into one inbox, so you never miss a comment from your customers. It also allows you to track keywords so you can see what other people are saying about your business.
Each of the above mentioned tools offers different capabilities, but the one great time saver they all offer is the ability to schedule posts into the future, across many different platforms. While you need to be careful about how much, and what types of content you are automating, there is certainly an advantage and time-savings to being able to post a few days’ worth of content to your channels.
Another great feature that many of these tools provides is the ability to see your social activity, across all your platforms, from one dashboard. Not only does this allow you the ability to interact in a more timely manner, it also allows for more in-depth analysis of your content and how it performs on the various platforms. This allows you to tweek your content for better engagement and optimization.
While no single tool is perfect in providing all the features, they are all certainly worth trying so you can better manage and optimize your businesses social media activity.
Do you have any other Social Media tips? Share them in the comments below.
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