In a society where people are looking for overall well-being, a career in wellness management is proving to be a lucrative choice.
What is Wellness?
Though wellness is a modern term, its popularity can be traced back to 1950s. However, its roots can be traced back into history much further when improvement in health conditions was ensured through various practices like Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine,, ancient Greek medicine, roman medicine, Hydrotherapy, Naturotherapy, etc.
So what exactly is wellness?
Well, it has been defined as a state of being healthy , with a conscious effort of preventing illness and prolonging life. It is a deliberate attempt to improve the quality of living by incorporating some actions into the daily life of an individual, where-by sickness can be delayed, prevented or dealt with easily. It is all about being attentive to self-care.
Wellness: An actively Sought After Goal
No doubt, modern-day lifestyle has increased the susceptibility towards many unwanted health conditions, so much so that there is also an increased awareness to keeping those maladies at bay. As a result, wellness centres have mushroomed in every corner – in every big and small town and cities.
Worldwide, wellness has increasing;y become an actively sought after goal. This conscious effort of promoting healthiness, heartiness, and wholesomeness can be achieved through various ways – exercise and diet occupying the topmost positions. It is because of this reason that wellness management as an employment or business option has certainly become a lucrative career choice.
Scope of Wellness Mangement
A career in wellness management has a wide scope and variety of fields and sub-fields to choose from. As mentioned earlier, exercise and diet provide the highest form of health management. The wide range of exercise regimes like Yoga, Gymming, Cycling, Swimming, Dancing, Pilates, Aerobics, Kick boxing, etc. are available everywhere. We all know how important nutrition and its practical application have become in our daily life.
Besides, alternative/complementary therapies like acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, massages, etc. that promote general health have gained a very high momentum.
Promoting health and wellness has become an integral part of the corporate world. Many offices and business establishments have their own in-house gyms and yoga rooms with instructors on their payroll.
Wellness managers are employed by work establishments to regulate programs adopted and sponsored by companies to enhance employee welfare.
The demand for health coaches have gained immense importance to conduct workshops to motivate people to eat better, lose weight, give up addiction habits and manage stress, be emotionally stable and strong to promote and upgrade their living style.
Opportunities of employment are also open in the public health sector, where one can work for community health development. Besides being employed, one could also diversify into equipment designing for health benefits as a source of living.
Nutrition as Wellness Career
Nutrition as a wellness career has firmly established itself too, in terms of offering advice to clients as well as opening up of health cafes and producing healthy eating products.
To stay healthy, our body needs good quality food with the essential nutrients in the right proportion.
Organic farming to provide high quality foodstuff has also opened up avenues of business and employment.
Career in Wellness is Economically Viable
In such a scenario, wellness management as a career option is certainly an economically viable prospect, particularly because of the multitude of benefits it provides to the individual and to the society at large.
People associated with delivering wellness not only improve their own life, but also that of their family.
They can positively impact the lives of others by promoting greater self-esteem, boosting one’s morale, achieving fitness, lowering medical costs, fostering team work and bringing down stress levels, thereby increasing productivity and longevity.
Closing Thoughts
Throughout the world, many people have accepted and adhered to the benefits of adapting to a healthy lifestyle. It is no longer an exception or a privilege reserved for a particular section of society, but has rather become the order of the day. With this trend catching up, wellness management has flurished into an industry of its own. The wellness evolution history also shows its progression in a positive direction with an upwardly rising curve.
A healthy individual is the projection of a healthy society: hence, more and more wellness workers are essential for building a society comprising of satisfied and healthy individuals. It is definitely a good and fulfilling career option.
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