Whether you love it or hate it, marketing and sales are critical to the life blood of any business. Since it takes upwards of 7 touches to make a sale today, you need to attract them to your product, service, or program in many different ways.
One critical element you must have in your basket of attraction tools today is a fully developed web presence.
People are most likely to Google for you or your service or the benefit/solution they seek first. They are less likely to open the telephone book and flip through the yellow pages. The future of your marketing reach is the internet.
Even with the internet, you need an arsenal of marketing strategies to reach your prospects and attract them to your product and services. You can’t flirt with them, if they can’t find you.
Here are a few ideas which you can do quickly and on a budget. They are culled from the likes of Mitch Meyerson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Seth Godin, and Bea Fields.
On your website:
* Build a powerful direct response entity
* Make sure your headlines are engaging with a problem/solution approach
* Direct their eyes to the one thing you want them to do
On your email signature:
* Include your business contact information, of course
* Promote one thing – a new product, service, newsletter, article, free conference call.
This is your best and first opportunity to ask everyone to engage with you and your company
Develop relationships for referral business – complementary services serving the same market niche and get listed on their websites
Include client testimonials – use them in all your printed and online collateral materials.
The hottest new thing is audio and video testimonials you put up on your site.
Use audio and video conferencing from your PC for sales, presentations, meetings. They work effectively for prospects, clients and vendors. It’s no longer novel. It’s cost-effective, timely, direct, and can be very interactive.
Write articles and press releases about everything you do and get them published in print but more importantly across the web.
Yes, all of these are ideas you can do yourself, burning the midnight oil.
But what’s even better, is that these tools and systems can be delegated and automated – one more way for you to generate more profit in less time.
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