If you are planning to start exercise or home or want to add some variety to your exercise regime, you should start making use of the exercise ball. Its great for stretching, getting rid of body rid, to get a muscular body, and for toning the muscles of your body. You might have already observed […]
Belly Dance to Lose Weight & Tone Body
Belly dancing is a fun way to lose not just weight but also to tone your body. Belly-Dance fitness is a great way to tone-up, get fit and lose weight. Its a fun way to achieve your fitness goals and the best part is that men and women of all age groups can take this […]
Rapid Weight Loss: Play it Safe
Each year, in the United States, hundreds of thousands of Americans are interested in rapidly losing weight. Many people wish to lose weight (in a few days time) before an important event, like an upcoming vacation or a wedding. While you can definitely give this method a try, you need to proceed with caution as […]
Mobility Scooters Accessories & Parts
Find mobility scooters accessories, parts and spares. You may use these to replace the worn out parts of your mobility scooter; you can order parts that’s required to repair your mobility device. You can order from a wide range of accessories to enhance the utility of your mobility scooter or to customize your scooter. Armrests, […]
Best Kitchen Mixers, Reviews
A kitchen without its tools is like a house without furniture. You need the necessary culinary items and tools to make cooking easier. A mixer for instance is the most basic tool you need to mince and grind ingredients. It just help get your cooking done faster with greater efficiency. There are innumerable models of […]
Plyometric Exercises
Plyometric exercises are the best if you want both speed as well as strength. Plyometrics is also a great alternative to cardiovascular exercises. Learn how to do it correctly Want to improve your quickness, and improve your nervous system’s reaction time? Plyo training can be a very effective method! Athletes from a wide range of […]
Best Belly Exercises for Men
The Best Exercise for Abs for Men: Men are more likely to gain belly fat than women. Here are some great exercises for men that will help you to combat your belly fat… Did you know that men are more likely to gain belly fat than women? Although women can also have a bulging tummy. […]
Best Wheelchairs: Accessories & Parts
No doubt wheelchairs are of great help, but because they have to be constantly on the move, wheelchairs do wear down, break, or malfunction at times. The good thing is that wheelchair parts are easily available. You get wheelchair replacement parts such as tires, tire accessories, wheels, tubes, tools, legrests, upholstery, armrests, armrest pads, and […]
Walkers & Rollators: Walker Accessories & Parts
Find Walker Accessories & Walker Replacement Parts for all major brands, including wheels, glide gaps, walkerballs, leg extensions and glide brakes for all Walker Models. Rollator accessories makes it comfortable and convenient on the walker. Now you can have the ease of mobility with the various rolling walker accessories – Cane holder, Water Bottle, Rain […]
Mumbai Fitness Experts Share the Best & the Worst Exercises
Fitness experts share their thoughts on what are the best exercise routines, which fitness routines offer the best value for money, and the ones that you need to chuck away. PRAVEEN NAIR – CROSSFIT TRAINER Thumbs Up CrossFit has revived some significant fitness methodologies like Olympic lifting and gymnastics, and has brought them to the […]