Nutrition Pyramid: Learn how to follow the food guide pyramid. It can help you lose your weight and be healthy. Want to know more about nutrition? Want to know what combination of food your body should be consuming regularly as part of a balanced diet? Understand the Nutrition Pyramid or the Food Guide Pyramid! Comprehending […]
Nutrition - Diet
Importance of Reading Labels to Monitor Calories to Lose Weight
So how important it is to read labels on packed foods to get an idea of how much Calories you’re going to consume. Does it really help you to lose Weight? There are several food products that are promoted as healthy choices and are often advertised as ‘low fat’, ‘sugar free’ or ‘high in fibre’ […]
Smart & Healthy Snacks For Those Trying to Lose Weight
Those who’re trying to lose weight are not really sure whether they should be having snacks, in addition to their regular meals, and if yes, what constitutes a healthy snack. Here are some thoughts on this and suggestions on what you may have as snacks. Most are under the impression that snacking is not a […]
Do you really find genuine Health & Nutrition products when shopping online in India?
Do you really find genuine Health & Nutrition products when shopping online in India? Here are some common questions asked by people who have never tried online shopping in India. Does online shopping in India really benefits the customers, are the items cheaper compared to the retail stores? Do they sell original/quality products? How does […]
Strawberries for Good Health: Boosts Immunity
Top 10 health benefits (and nutrition facts) of Strawberries and why you must include them in your diet. Strawberries are to winters what mangoes are to summers. Loaded with antioxidants, the super-fruit helps in boosting immunity to improve your overall health. Here’s how are strawberries healthy for you: Its considered to be a superfood because […]
Top Health Benefits Of Blueberries: Juicy Fruits Packed with Nutrition
Blueberries are small yet juicy fruits that, besides tasting good, offer several health benefits. If you’ve been ignoring them till now, start including them in your diet on a regular basis to lead a healthy life. Look for Blueberries that are smaller in size (these are the wild ones) compared to the bigger ones (these […]
Choose Wholegrain Over White bread for Weight Loss
The benefits of wholegrain bread (over white bread) are well known. However, many continue to eat white bread because they are accustomed to the taste. But if you still haven’t made the switch to wholegrain, you should read the several benefits of ditching the white bread and opting for the wholegrain instead. New studies are […]
Top (Surprising) Health Benefits of Pumpkin
Here are the top, and lesser known, health benefits of eating pumpkin (known as Kaddu in the hindi language). Pumpkin is one of the more commonly cooked vegetables in India, its another thing that most kids and youngsters make faces while eating it. But do you have any idea about the health benefits of pumpkin? […]
Where to find top quality organic honey in India
Top quality organic honey in India. Why Organic / Raw Honey? The Honey you buy in India, available in most stores, is highly processed in order to standardise it’s taste, texture and flavour. Unfortunately, this processing takes away its beneficial properties. Experts say that if you heat Honey to more than 45 degrees celsius, all […]
Top 10 Tempting Street Foods of Mumbai
No matter how good the food is back home, at times nothing beats the mighty food of the streets, and Mumbai is well known for its variety of junk food. Attractive, affordable and tasty, street food is preferred by more than half of the population of Mumbai. It may not be the healthiest option, but […]