Can Paleo Diet really help you to lose weight, and more importantly, is it right for you? Get all your answers here.
Bollywood actress Nimrat Kaur goes on paleo diet to prepare a character with an army background in an upcoming web series. “I have given up sugar, caffeine and unhealthy carbs — be it bread or rice. My diet involves eating the right food at the right time. I need to also make sure that my body stays hydrated.”
What is the Paleo Diet
Paleo diet is what our ancestors used to eat, most of which came from hunting and gathering their food. Paleo Diet (also known as the caveman diet) is high in protein and fiber — an important factor in losing weight.
Protein and fiber take longer to go down the digestive system, making us feel fuller for longer periods. Processed carbohydrates, on the other hand, zip through our system quite fast making us hungry again in a short time.
Does it Help to Lose Weight?
All fiber is good fiber, but if you’re trying to lose weight or control cravings, make sure you’re getting plenty of the soluble kind, which can be found in a healthy modern paleo diet. Think: lentils and beans, fruit, nuts, flaxseeds, cucumbers, celery, and carrots. If you want to eat your way to a satisfied (and suppressed) appetite, a protein and soluble-fiber rich diet may be the way to go.
The high-fiber part, paleo diet devotees maintain, is the key. Because fiber is bulkier and harder to digest, it serves as an appetite suppressant by effectively turning off hunger signals.
What Does a Modern Paleo Diet Look Like?
Here are some guidelines:
- Eat good amounts of animal protein, such as red meat, poultry, pork, eggs, fish. Eat the proteins and the fatty cuts.
- Eat generous amounts of fresh or frozen vegetables either cooked or raw
- Eat low to moderate amounts of fruits and nuts.
- Cut out all cereal grains and legumes from your diet, including wheat, barley, oats, corn, brown rice, soy, peanuts, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans and black eyed peas.
- Cut out vegetable oils as far as possible
- Avoid sugar, soft drinks, all packaged sweets and juices (including fruit juices).
- Cut down on dairy products (butter is ok)
- Eat when you’re hungry and don’t stress if you skip a meal or even two
- Try to sleep for at least 8 hours per night. Try to go to bed when it gets dark
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